程瑞福Chen, Jui-Fu蔡季芸Tsai, Chi-Yun2019-09-052016-8-182019-09-052014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0001312113%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/107396跨國媒體與國際運動組織結合的媒體運動,加速運動全球化,媒體運動為運動產業帶來豐厚利潤,運動的性質、規則以至於運動員本質也皆應媒體需求而改變,直接影響運動的原貌。媒體運動的呈現在奧運展露無疑,奧運欲獲取全球關注與資金挹注,與媒體、企業合作能夠最快達成目標;其中,奧運開幕式原為主辦國舉辦儀式與表達國族意識形態的場域,媒體科技介入後,高收視率與高額權利轉播金為舉辦國帶來更大利益,換言之,奧委會、媒體組織以商業利益為前提,打造出的奧運開幕式成為媒體化與全球化的結合,受到媒體運動的力量驅使,開幕式展演形態出現改變。是故,本研究試圖以歷史脈絡釐清媒體與運動的關聯;其次,理解現代奧運與媒體運動的關係;最後,透過臺灣平面媒體的報導,試圖以東方國家的媒體觀察西方奧運開幕式的角度,探討媒體運動對2012年倫敦奧運開幕式而言,背後所彰顯的政治、經濟與文化意涵。本研究發現:一、現代奧運與媒體運動關係密切,媒體傳播科技與媒體轉播權利金的商業模式,促使現代奧運帶來龐大的經濟利益;其中,奧運開幕式採取視覺效果的方式擁有奧運賽會期間最高收視,開幕式被定調為奧運期間,透過媒體行銷國家與城市的重要節目。二、2012年倫敦奧運開幕式透過媒體,展現國家認同與強國地位,並在商業化運作下,強化展演的娛樂性,開幕式中所含有的運動文化以隱喻或具有商業價值的方式融入在展演中。Transnational media organizations combined with international sports media campaign, acceleration of globalization. Mediasport for the sports industry has brought huge profits, the media has also changed the original appearance of sport. Olympic and media cooperation can get global attention and influx of capital, the presentation will undoubtedly expose mediasport. After media intervention, the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games has high ratings and high broadcast rights payments, bring greater benefits for the host country. Therefore in this study, in order to clarify the historical context associated with the movement of the media.Second, understand the relationship between the modern Olympic movement and the media.Finally, the plane through the Taiwan media reports, in order to observe the Western media in Eastern countries the Olympic opening ceremony perspectives on media campaign for the 2012 London Olympics opening ceremony, the highlight behind the political, economic and cultural implications. The study found:1. Visual effects of the Olympic opening ceremony owns high ratings, the opening ceremony was to set the tone for the duration of the Olympic Games, through the national media marketing programs and important city.2.London 2012 Olympics opening ceremony through the media, to show power status and national identity, and to strengthen the performances of entertainment, sports and cultural opening ceremony included the manner of commercial value in the integration of the performances.2012年倫敦奧運開幕式媒體運動商業化2012 London Olympic Opening CeremonymediasportCommercialization媒體運動全球化 -以2012年倫敦奧運開幕式為例Mediasport Globalization -In the Case of 2012 London Olympic Opening Ceremony