程玉秀Cheng, Yuh-Show周曉佳Chou, Hsiao-Chia2019-09-032017-02-172019-09-032017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0501211103%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/97331國中教育會考已於2015年正式採計英語聽力測驗成績,而大學入學測驗也於同年將英語聽力測驗納入考試的一環,目前台灣已有一百多所的大專院校要求其考生必須在聽力測驗中達到一定的等級。為了增進英語聽力教學,教師有必要了解哪些學習者因素可能有助於學習者的英語聽力。本篇研究旨在探討台灣國高中生英語聽力表現與聽力焦慮、聽力自我效能以及聽力後設認知之關係。此外,本研究亦探討哪種因素對英語聽力表現的影響最大。 受試者為121位八年級國中生以及123位十一年級高中生,他們分別來自台灣西部的一所國中和高中。施測過程中,受試者先接受全民英檢聽力測驗,其中國中受試者接受全民英檢初級聽力施測,高中受試者接受全民英檢中高級聽力測驗。聽力測驗結束後,受試者填寫基本資料,並根據先前施測的聽力測驗,加以填寫聽力焦慮量表(SLLAS)、聽力自我效能量表(LSE),及後設認知覺察聽力量表(MALQ)。藉此,研究者可掌握更多受試者的資料以利分析統計。研究者使用描述性數據、皮爾森相關積差相關係數,以及複迴歸分析統計來檢測受試者的聽力焦慮程度、自我效能強度,及後設認知覺察能力。 本研究發現國高中生的聽力表現和其聽力焦慮、自我效能、及後設認知覺察程度都有顯著的相關。其中,國高中生的聽力表現與其聽力自我效能強度的相關性最高,聽力表現與聽力後設認知覺察程度間的相關性次高,聽力表現與聽力焦慮程度的相關性則較低。此外,研究結果顯示國高中生的聽力自我效能對於其聽力表現有顯著的預測成效,且在本研究中,自我效能是唯一對國中生聽力表現具有顯著預測能力的變項。除了聽力自我效能,聽力焦慮則是對高中生的聽力表現也有一定的預測成效。最後,本研究針對國高中生英語聽力教學及未來的研究,提供進一步的建議。Listening comprehension tests have been incorporated into the Comprehensive Assessment Program (CAP) for junior high school students and have been included as part of college entrance exam for senior high school students since 2015. More than one hundred local colleges demand their applicants to achieve certain level in the test. To increase listening comprehension instruction, it is essential to discover what learner factors may contribute to listening proficiency. The present study explored the relationships of EFL learners’ listening performance to English listening anxiety, English listening self-efficacy, and English listening metacognitive awareness at junior and senior high school levels. Besides, the current study also investigated which one of the three learner factors is the best predictor to listening comprehension performance at both education levels. The participants of the study were 121 eighth graders at junior high school and 123 eleventh graders at senior high school in western Taiwan. An elementary level and an intermediate level listening comprehension tests retrieved from General English Proficiency Test (GEPT) were used to assess the participants’ listening proficiency at both education levels respectively. The background questionnaire, Second Language Listening Anxiety Scale (SLLAS), the Listening Self-efficacy questionnaire (LSE), and Metacognitive Awareness Listening Questionnaire (MALQ) were then given to the participants at both education levels to obtain their basic personal information and to assess their listening anxiety, listening self-efficacy, and listening metacognitive awareness. Descriptive statistics, Pearson product-moment correlation analysis, and multiple regression analyses were conducted to analyze the data. The results revealed that English listening anxiety, English listening self-efficacy, and English listening metacognitive awareness significantly correlated with English listening performance both at junior and senior high school levels. Specifically, at both education levels, the strongest correlation was found between English listening self-efficacy and English listening performance, followed by the correlation between English listening metacognitive awareness and English listening score, and by the correlation between English listening anxiety and English listening attainment. English listening self-efficacy appeared to be the best predictor to listening performance. English listening self-efficacy was also proved to be the only significant predictor to English listening performance at junior high school level. In addition to English self-efficacy, English listening anxiety contributed 3% of the variance to English listening attainment at senior high school level. According to the findings in the present study, some pedagogical implications were provided for listening instruction at both education levels.焦慮自我效能後設認知聽力學習成就anxietyself-efficacymetacognitive awarenesslistening performance國高中生英語聽力表現與聽力焦慮、聽力自我效能以及聽力後設認知之關係研究A Study on the Relationships of EFL Learners’ Listening Performance to Listening Anxiety, Listening Self-efficacy, and Metacognitive Awareness