黃純敏Huang, Chuen-Min黃韻軒HUANG,YUN-HSUAN2020-10-192020-12-212020-10-192020http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0507002218%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/110222本研究旨在建構一套英語科創意教學課程方案,期望透過創意教學實施,提升學生英語學習動機。為達上述之目的,本研究以國中七年級兩個班級學生為研究對象,採用行動研究取向之課程設計,進行教學方案的實踐。從課程實施、學生英語學習動機變化,及教師專業成長三個層面,探究創意教學課程的建構與實施情形。 本課程方案實施成效分析,主要運用質性蒐集方法,包含訪談、教師教學省思札記,及學生回饋單等文件分析資料;而量化部分,則以學習動機量表為輔。並於課程實施及資料蒐集後,進行統整及分析,藉此歸納出研究結果如下: 一、選用創新的教學方法、教材及環境,建構出有助於學生主動學習的課程, 以提升學生學習動機 二、 以小組合作方式,實施英語創意教學方案,提升多數學生學習動機。 三、 創意教學法能強化學生人際互動與社會團體觀念,讓學生感受在團體中存在的價值,並看見自己的潛能。 四、教師提升創意教學課程設計能力,開展學生的多元智能。The study aims to construct a project that integrates creative teaching into the English curriculum. It is expected that students’ learning motivation will be increased through the implementation of curriculum. In order to to achieve specific objectives, the researcher conducted an action research on curriculum design and put them into practice. The research participants are from two different classes in their first year of junior high school. This study was explored by three aspects, including curriculum implementation, the motivation of student learning, and the changes in the learning process, and the professional growth of teachers. The main research tools of this action research are qualitative data, including interviews, teacher’s reflective journals, student feedback form, and document analysis. Quantified Data were analyzed by the research tools of Motivation Assessment Scale. After implementing the curriculum, the researcher collected data, and then performed analysis to conclude the following results: 1. Construct the creative teaching project to enhance the motivation of student based on three instructional strategies, including multidimensional teaching method, course materials, and environment. 2. Most of the students increase learning motivation by using the group cooperative learning on implementing creative teaching project. 3. During the creative teaching, interpersonal interactions and the concepts of society are fostered. Students can achieve higher self worth and realize their potential in teamwork. 4. Teacher improved the ability of creative teaching curriculum design, which accelerates the teacher’s professional development, helping students develop unique intelligences in learning English.ARCS動機模式行動研究英語學習動機創意教學action researchARCS motivational modelcreative teachingEnglish learning motivation創意教學法提升國中生英語學習動機之行動研究An Action Research on Motivating Junior High School Students' English Learning Through Creative Teaching