吳彥濬Wu, Yen-Chun張嘉芸Chang, Chia-Yun2019-09-03不公開2019-09-032018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0105590139%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/94953身處競爭激烈之珠寶市場之中,如何提出一套藍海策略?本研究旨在以創新商業模式之四構面與商業模式九宮格,探討如何建立珠寶錶帶客製化之營運模式。研究結果顯示,在顧客價值主張中,因該產業內之目標顧客群體多為具有相當經濟財富背景者,職業多屬商業集團之高階領導人與執行長,對於客製化有強烈需求;在顧客關係上,每一位顧客關係均需以耐心與細心之方式經營。利潤公式中,收入模式部分,營收來源為珠寶錶帶客製化設計服務費用;成本結構由材料成本、設計師的費用其他支出所組成。關鍵資源中,通路以實體店面為主;關鍵資源以耐心與細心的服務細節取勝;銷售員與錶帶設計師,必須具備高度專業能力,受過內部之專業訓練,以及經驗傳承擁有坊間珠寶鑑定、設計之相關證照;關鍵合作夥伴:與原物料珠寶供應商關係良好,建立策略聯盟。最後在關鍵流程中:為滿足高端顧客的價值主張,提供從事前諮詢、估價,到設計,取得商品到後續的售後服務,才算是擁有完整且全方位的珠寶錶帶客製化服務。Amidst the competitive jewelry market, how to stand out with a Blue Ocean strategy? The research aims to study the formation of the customized operational model by four-dimension innovative business model and the 3 by 3 grid business model. The study has shown that most of the target customers within customer value claim come from wealthy background, which mostly is being in the position of senior leadership or the CEO, and has a high demand in customization. In the aspect of the customer relationship, each customers required specific conduct with patient and sensitivity. The source of revenue that takes part in the income model at the profit formula is the service fee of customized design for jewelry watchstrap; the cost structure consists of material cost, designer’s fee, other spends, etc. Inside the crucial resources, the brick-and-mortar stores are the priorities; and the value structure is built of the service detail with patient and sensitivity. Therefore, under the in-house professional training, the salesperson and the watchstrap designer must possess high level of professional discipline, field experiences and the relevant certificates regarding jewelry appraisal or jewelry design. In terms of crucial partnership, one must formed a positive relationship with jewelry material providers in order to create a strategic alliance. Finally, at the crucial process, one must take customer as the first priority and showcase the unique merchandise. In conclusion, for satisfying the demand of these customers, providing fully services from consulting to after sale services, that is called integrated the services of customized jewelry watch strap.客製化創意設計商業模式CustomizationlCreative DesignBusiness Model珠寶錶帶客製化商業模式探討Exploring the Business Model of Customized Jewelry Watch Strap