林佑錚方瓊瑤林水成陳世旺Y.1. Lin, C.Y. Fang, S.C. Lin, and S.W. Chen2020-09-032020-09-031999-10-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/109312目前地政單位之地籍圖大多繪於紙上,在經過長時間供人查閱使用以來,資料都漸漸有了折痕與污損,使得圖形清晰度與圖形品質愈來愈差。而且,這種紙上資料在其維護與更新上都有相當的難度。本研究嘗試將紙上地籍圖資料以向量化的方式存入電腦。如此將可享受到電腦的快速處理與大量的儲存空間等優點,然而將類比資料轉換成數位資訊必然會造成資料的損失,如何在地籍圖數位化過程中,盡量保留資料的完整,為此研究的主要目的。Most of the currently available cadastral maps conserved in the Land Administration Office are drawn on paper. They are apparently ineffective for both maintenance and updating. Moreover, after constant consultations the maps would become mutilated and blotted gradually. In this paper, we develop techniques for transformations of cadastral maps from analog signal into digital data. There are substantial advantages with the resultant maps including effective storage, easy maintenance, expeditious retrieval, and fast computation. These advantages can be further extended by connecting the databases of maps to the networks or incorporating the databases into GIS systems. There are potential challenges to our tasks. It is inevitable that pieces of information may be lost during map transformation. Furthermore, it is demanded that the transformed maps would preserve as faithfully as possible the information of the original maps. The experimental results demonstrate the applicability of the proposed techniques.地籍圖影像處理模糊集合理論模糊量測線段重建Cadastral mapsImage processingHough transformLine reconstructionFuzzy theoretic thresholding地籍圖之線條重建Line Reconstruction of Cadastral Map