連啟舜陳弘輝曾玉村Chi-Shun LienHung-Hui ChenYu-Htsuen Tzeng2019-08-122019-08-122016-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/80892本研究以Kintsch 與van Dijk(1978)的理論模式為基礎來探討不同年齡的讀者之摘要歷程。藉由實驗材料的操弄,測量兒童摘要能力以探討兒童閱讀的心理歷程,進而探討摘要能力與中文理解的關係。研究方法選取三年級及六年級受試者各34 名,每人閱讀三篇不同歷程版本之說明文後,進行自由回憶作業、摘要評量及文本理解測驗。研究結果發現:一、摘要整體表現和閱讀理解、自由回憶、文本理解皆呈現中等之相關;而在不同歷程之摘要表現上,刪除歷程和歸納、建構歷程之相關不顯著,刪除所使用到的摘要次能力不同於歸納和建構。二、不同年級讀者在閱讀後的摘要表現、自由回憶及文本理解在發展上有顯著的差異,六年級學童皆優於三年級學童。三、不同發展階段的讀者在摘要「次能力」表現有顯著差異,刪除的能力明顯優於歸納和建構的能力,其中建構能力是發展最不成熟的能力。在作答分析中顯示僅有五分之一的三年級學童和三分之一的六年級學童能正確選出文章的主題句。According to Kintsch and van Dijk’s (1978) theoretical model, we investigated the summarization processes of children with different ages. By manipulating three versions of texts, this study measured the process of reading comprehension and investigated the relationship between reading ability and summarization for Chinese readers. Participants were 34 third graders and 34 sixth grades. They were asked to read three different versions of texts and then performed three cognitive tasks (free recall, summarization, textbase questions). The results showed that there were moderate correlations among the measures of summarization, free recall and text comprehension, but no correlations among the measures of deletion, generalization and construction processes. Sixth graders outperformed third graders on all cognitive tasks. Readers at different developmental stages exhibited a significant difference in the sub-process of children’s summarization skills. The performance on the deletion-version was better than that on the generalization-version and construction-version. Among them, the performance on construction-version was the worst. Only one-fifth of third graders and one-third of sixth graders could select topic sentences of the text correctly.鉅觀結構摘要歷程閱讀理解macrostructuresummarization processreading comprehension閱讀之摘要歷程探究Exploring the Processes of Summarization