吳進喜Wu, Jinn-Shii劉彥均Liu, Yen-Chun2019-09-032022-08-312019-09-032017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060027014L%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/96132水利開發即是土地開墾重要協助之因,由於臺灣自然環境的區域差異,致使各地的水力開發程度不一。臺灣雨量充沛,水力是臺灣主要的自然資源,極具開發價值,水利發展與水力發電,兩個關係相輔相成。迄今能兼具兩種功能者甚少,位於高雄美濃地區的竹仔門發電廠即兩者同時兼具,百年發電廠依舊持續運轉。竹仔門發電廠的設立除了自然環境因素的輔助外,該電廠設立亦對打狗築港興建工程帶來所需的電力,而發電之後剩餘的尾水,注入獅仔頭水圳再行灌溉,為廣大的美濃地區帶來豐沛的水資源,以及更多的經濟效益。 本文的研究從「水力─水利─南隆農場─農業」,四項主題的發展進程中,就殖民政府的角度而言,竹仔門發電廠的設立的興築目標已超乎預期目標,使得美濃地區的地景樣貌漸次轉變,逐漸邁向現代化的過程,該地區亦因相關的水利設施興築及殖民事業的發展,族群間的消長有了不同程度的轉變。本研究的主題即以竹仔門發電廠設立後,水力與水利的連結,漸次為此區帶來的轉變及影響作探討。Hydraulic development is an important factor contributing to assistance in land reclamation. The regional differences in Taiwan’s natural environment have resulted in varying degrees of hydraulic development across the country. Taiwan has abundant rainfall, and hydropower is the main natural resource in Taiwan with great development value. Interrelated hydraulic development and hydropower complement each other. So far, power plants with both functions remain scarce. Zhuzimen Hydro Plant located in Meinong features both functions, and the century-old power plant continues to operate today. The established Zhuzimen Hydro Plant, in addition to assisting in the natural environmental factors, also generates power required by the Takao Port construction, while the remaining tailwater after the power generation is directed to the Shi-Tze-Tou irrigation system for re-irrigation purposes, thereby bringing abundant water resources into the vast Meinong area and creating more economic benefits. In view of the course of development of four topics, namely, hydropower, hydraulics, Nanlong Farm, and agriculture”, and from the perspective of the colonial government, the construction objectives set by the Zhuzimen Hydro Plant have exceeded the expected objectives, leading to the progressive transformation of Meinong’s landscape. Throughout the process of gradual modernization, the area has also encountered varying degrees of change in terms of the migration of ethnic groups due to relevant hydraulic facility constructions and colonial business development. The topic of this study is the link between hydropower and hydraulics following the establishment of Zhuzimen Hydro Plant, and the gradual change and impacts on the area are sequentially discussed.水力發電水利設施美濃南隆農場族群竹仔門發電廠hydropowerhydraulic facilityMeinongNanlong Farmethnic groupZhuzimen Hydroplant竹仔門發電廠對美濃地區的影響The Impact of Zhuzimen Hydro Plant on the Meinong Area