謝智謀黃科境葉怡矝Hsieh, Chih-Mou, Huang, Ko-Chin, Ye, Yi-Jin2022-05-162022-05-162021-09-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/116081本研究目的為探討體驗教育户外指導員面臨生涯困境之因應策略,期望透過本研究結果能提供户外指導員面臨生涯發展困境議題時,有正面的發展與實質的幫助。本研究方法為質性研究,透過深度訪談,立意抽樣六位研究對象,結合半結構式訪談大綱,蒐集體驗教育户外指導員生涯困境因應方式之研究資料並進行分析。本研究結果發現户外指導員生涯困境因應策略,包含1.個人的因應策略:得到重要他人的支持、認同工作帶來的意義與價值、對户外的喜愛、對教育工作的熱情、持續的學習、適配的人生目標與時間管理、覺察自身的狀態、工作團隊的支持。2.組織的因應策略:照顧員工需求、妥善經營、職位有發展性、完善的培訓機制。The purposes of the study were to explore the coping strategies of outdoor experiential education instructors' career obstacles. Hope the results of the study may contribute to develop the positive and practical strategies for outdoor instructors career development. The research method was quality-oriented and the six research objects were purposively sampled and conducted semi-structured interviews to collect research data. The results determined that the coping strategies of the outdoor instructors' career obstacles were: First, personal coping strategy were: support from significant others, identification of the meaning and value of work, love for outdoors, passion for education, continuing learning, suitable life goals and time management, acknowledgment of one's state, and supported from the work team. Second, organization coping strategies were: considering the employees' needs, operating profitable management, growth-oriented job position and well-organized training mechanism.體驗教育戶外指導員生涯困境因應策略experiential educationoutdoor education instructorcareer obstaclecoping strategy體驗教育戶外指導員生涯困境之因應Exploring Coping Strategy of the Outdoor Experiential Education Instructor's Career Obstacle