黃明月張穎華Chang Ying-Hua2019-08-292010-8-92019-08-292010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0696020046%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92439本研究主要目的在分析國立臺灣博物館志工規劃幼兒教育活動之模式、了解其執行幼兒教育活動之反思層面及參與教育活動引發轉化學習之歷程。最後根據研究結果,提出具體建議提供未來博物館在設計相關教育活動與志工培訓時之參考。 本研究採立意抽樣,也就是標準參照選擇的方式,以推廣臺灣博物館所舉辦的幼兒教育活動志工為研究對象。藉由質性取向的深度訪談法分析志工的參與、反思及轉化學習情形。此外,於活動現場,輔以參與觀察,了解志工與幼兒之互動反應,並藉以進行研究之三角檢測。 本研究主要發現如下: 壹、 博物館志工規劃幼兒教育活動之模式,以包括分析博物館的內外在環境、了解學習者和設定活動目標等步驟為主。志工傾向以「活動」的方式,來和幼兒做互動;在設計活動內容時,以館內的常設展和特展為主線,將活動和展覽結合;使幼兒透過具體、遊戲導向的方式學習。 貳、 博物館志工進行推廣幼兒教育活動的內容/過程反思,形成意義基模的改變;此外,志工進行前提反思,形成意義觀點的改變。 參、 志工參與博物館幼兒教育活動之轉化學習歷程包括: 一、 轉化學習重要契機之影響 二、 進行自我檢驗並對「推廣博物館幼兒教育活動志工」角色進行反思 三、 將自己的情況與擁有類似經驗的他人發生關聯,以共同探索新的方式 四、 透過獲取實現個人方案所需的技能及知識,建立能力與自信 五、 計畫行動方針,嘗試新角色並評估回饋 六、 根據新觀點的要求重新融入博物館幼兒教育活動 至於引發志工轉化學習之相關因素,則可從和博物館情境之直接或間接面向來看。The Transformative Learning of Museum volunteers who are in charge of promoting the Early Childhood Educational activities ─ A Case Study of National Taiwan Museum The purpose of the study was to analyze the model that the museum volunteers applied to plan early childhood educational activities and to understand their transformative learning during the process. This study used purposive sampling, which is the standard way of reference to choose museum volunteers who participated in the promotion of early childhood educational activities. In-depth interview was used to collect data for this study. Besides, the method of observation was adopted for triangulation. The findings of this study were as follows: First, the early childhood educational activities model planned by museum volunteers included the steps of analyzing the environment inside and outside the museum, understanding learners, and setting activity goals. Volunteers tended to interact with the children by holding activities. When designing activities, volunteers would combine the permanent and special exhibitions with activities so that children would learn through specific , game-oriented way. Second, the revision of the meaning scheme could be made when the volunteers reflected on the content / process of the early childhood educational activities. In contrast, the meaning perspective could be transformed when volunteers did the premise reflection. Third, the transformative learning processes of museum volunteers’ participation in early childhood educational activities included: 1. the impacts of important triggers 2. self-examination and reflection on the role as " museum volunteers promoting early childhood educational activities ". 3. connecting themselves with those who had similar experiences in order to explore new approaches 4. building up capability and self-confidence through acquiring the necessary skills as well as knowledge. 5. Planning actions, trying new roles and assessing feedback 6. Willing to embedded new ideas to design the early childhood educational activities in the museum Factors that related to volunteers’ transformative learning included the direct or indirect aspects of the museum context.博物館志工幼兒教育活動轉化學習museum volunteersearly childhood educational activitiestransformative learning博物館志工推廣幼兒教育活動之轉化學習研究─ 以國立臺灣博物館為例