葉俶禎Yeh, Chu-Chen Rosa劉誠桓Cheng-Huan Liu2019-08-282020-06-142019-08-282016http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060286006I%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/84788近年來,組織吸引力在全球人才戰爭下是非常熱門議題,隨著不同族群進入職場,網際網路招募成為企業的重要招募管道。雖然有研究以員工的角度來分析組織吸引力的因素,很少研究直接收集並分析組織資料來研究組織吸引力。本研究探討台灣企業於招募網站呈現關於工作與生活的平衡,企業的社會責任,組織文化的內容,並分系這些內容對組織的吸引力影響。 本研究之對象為Cheers雜誌2015年新世代最嚮往前一百企業之招募網站,本研究從國內外相關研究發展出編碼須知,並雇用已受過編碼訓練之編碼員透過內容分析法去收集企業之招募網站資料,在使用統計分析網站內容和組織吸引力之關係。 本研究結果發現網站上的工作與生活的平衡,企業社會責任內容對組織的在新世代最嚮往企業之排名有關。這項研究根據網站內容分析之結果發展出三種不同文化類型,並然分析不同的組織文化和組織吸引力之間的關係。結果發現組織強調支持,創新,團隊導向和多樣化的文化對新世代員工而言有較高的組織吸引力。The topic of organizational attractiveness is receiving considerable attention during the global talent war nowadays. Although studies have examined factors related to organizational attractiveness from the perspective of potential employees, very little research analyze them on an organizational level. This paper explored the content of work-life balance, corporate social responsibility, and organizational culture in recruitment websites of Taiwan’s organizations, and examined the effect of these contents on organizational attractiveness. Data collection was conducted through content analysis of websites using multiple trained coders and detail coding schemes developed from literature review. Inter-rater agreement was established to ensure reliability of the study. Statistical analyses were applied to test the effect of critical website contents on organizational attractiveness which was operationalized as the ranking in the 2015 list of “Top 100 most admired companies by Generation Y” by Cheers magazine in Taiwan. The result shows the contents of work-life balance and corporate social responsibility are positively correlated to the ranking of the organizations. This study also developed a culture taxonomy based on the result of content analysis on organizational websites, and then tested relationship between different organization cultures and their attractiveness. The result shows that organizations that emphasize on supportive, innovative, team-oriented and diverse culture have higher attractiveness than organizations that do not emphasize any dimensions of culture. Practical and theoretical implications of the study results are discussed.工作生活平衡企業社會責任組織文化組織吸引力網路招募Y世代Work-life balanceCorporate social responsibilityOrganizational cultureOrganizational attractivenessOnline recruitmentGeneration Y工作生活平衡,企業社會責任,組織文化對組織吸引力之影響The Influence of Work-Life Balance, Corporate Social Responsibility and Organizational Culture on Organizational Attractiveness