王如哲Ru-jer Wang賴媛君Yuan-Jyun Lai2019-08-282016-06-022019-08-282011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0696000022%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90138本研究旨在探討我國六大新興產業人才培育之情形,並分析我國六大新興產業人才培育之策進藍圖,復根據研究發現與結論,提供未來相關中央部會、教育行政機關與大專校院之政策推行參酌。為了達成以上研究目的,本研究以11位產業人才培育相關之行政機關主管、學校單位主管及專家學者作為研究對象,透過文獻探討及訪談進行資料的蒐集。 綜合本研究文獻探討結果與研究發現,獲得以下結論: 一、基於高等教育優勢的前提,以大專校院培育我國六大新興產業人才洵為國家經濟發展之必要角色。 二、我國六大新興產業人才培育之策劃由行政院督導,各目的事業主管機關執行,部分由教育部協同規劃權責事項;成敗關鍵在破除各自為政及事權不清。 三、為區隔生技領域重點項目,學校以一貫性課程發展,在系所數量與人才結構的失衡下,推展高科技食品之發展優勢。 四、綠色能源領域人才培育尚處萌芽階段,首要之務乃回歸基礎學科知識及創新思維的養成教育、發展既有理科優勢項目,以因應國際綠能新政趨勢。 五、觀光領域具有廣泛的產業聯結性與充足的人才數量,且側重「做中學」與職涯核心教育,以有效提升產業品質。 六、形塑友善的就業環境、建置整合系所與培育雙專長,為促進健康照護領域人才留任及強化教育內涵的關鍵因素。 七、精緻農業的養成教育指涉一多元化知識、實務操作與職涯課程之概念,構成複合性的人才供應藍圖,而與傳統農業的單一知能及人力來源有別。 八、長期穩健的教育與師資系統、校內外團隊合作經驗及社會欣賞文化的涵養程度等,均為文創領域人才培育的充要條件。 九、整合五專菁英班、大專校院教育體系及回流教育系統,有助於規劃我國六大新興產業之整體人才培育藍圖。 十、展望我國六大新興產業人才培育,主要有「強化企業責任」、「培養跨領域知能」及「因應兩岸衝擊」等未來策略。 本研究根據上述結論,分別針對中央部會、教育行政機關、大學校院及後續研究等四方面提出有關具體之建議。The purposes of this study are to explore the personnel training conditions in the Six Major Emerging Industries, to analyze the further blueprint of the Industries, and to make suggestions for authorities concerned by the findings. The methods adopted for this study are literature review and interviews with 11 study participants included policy makers and scholars related to personnel training of the Industries’. The results of this study are as follows: 1. Under the premise of the advantage of higher education, it is a main and important role of national economic development to cultivate the Six Major Emerging Industries personnel in higher education. 2. The Policy is supervised by Executive Yuan, and executed by Industry competent authority, and some are coordinated with the Ministry of Education. The key to success is to break down barriers of each department doing things on his way, and to clarify the responsibilities. 3. Under the Imbalance between the quantity of higher education and personnel structure, to differentiate the important items of biotechnology industry, schools develop consistent curriculum about high-tech food benefits. 4. It’s still in the initial stage of the personnel training for Green Energy Industry. To response to the global policy trends, the most important task is back to education itself developed for basic knowledge, and innovative thinking, and science what we have the superiority. 5. For Tourism Industry, there is a wide field of industries linking, adequate personnel, and effective promoting the quality by emphasis on learning by doing. 6. Shaping the friendly employment environment, building integrated departments or institute as well as nurturing dual specialty, are the key factors of employee retention promoting and educational content enhancing in Health Care Industry. 7. The Modern Agriculture Industry cultivating is different from the Tradition’s single knowledge and human sources. The former involves diversified knowledge, concept of practical and career courses, which are complex blueprint of talent supply. 8. Necessary and sufficient condition for the Cultural Creative Industry cultivating are long-term education and teachers cultivation system, internal and external team experiences as well as the degree of cultural appreciation in society. 9. The combination of the trial elite classes at five-year colleges, recurrent education and universities, is conducived to the overall personnel planning of the Six Major Emerging Industries. 10. In response to above difficult positions, there are three coping strategies of strengthening corporate responsibilities, nurturing interdisciplinary knowledge and handling cross-straitissues and so on. Based on the findings and conclusions of the study, suggestions were made for central ministries, educational policy makers, universities, and future studies concerned.六大新興產業人才培育大專校院the Six Major Emerging Industriescultivatingcolleges and universities我國六大新興產業人才培育之研究The Research of cultivating for the Six Major Emerging Industries