林昌德謝華庭Hsieh, Hua-Ting2020-12-102020-06-102020-12-102017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0003603125%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/114390頭髮不僅可以代表一個人外在的美,它又含有「三千煩惱絲」的意味。是身分地位的象徵、年齡的象徵,也是留住記憶傳遞情感的象徵。「頭髮」常被視為女性「美」與「生命」的象徵,藉由髮來傳情,以歌誦頭髮為題材的無論是小說、詩歌、戲劇、繪畫和音樂等,均以「長髮為君留」為題材創造出感人的愛情故事。文中針對內容著重在藉由發揮頭髮的特性,試圖創造出新的思維,探討現代都市的情境下,人們在現實生活中的工作「壓力」與「衝突」,在心靈的思維分析、探索內心的糾結意識探尋自我的生命的價值。本文研究目的有二 一、 透過工筆的筆法線條表現細膩的情懷,引起觀者在觀看作品時引起的共鳴。 二、透過視覺效果結合生活經驗,表達對歲月快速消失的無奈與多元特質。 弗洛伊德,西格蒙德(Freud,Sigmund 1856~1939),奧地利精神科醫師和精神分析學院的創始人,在心理分析的說法中曾表示人所經驗意識以外的潛意識影響著生活中的我們,意味著它干預著我們每時每刻,也反映一個人的心理與慾望,然而自己又不察覺它的存在。1 筆者藉由「髮絲」為創作主題來探尋生命的價值及一種內心探討,尋找自我。透過文獻作品分析,採取理論分析法、研究觀察法、創作作品表現法作為創作的學理基礎進行探討,將相關理論學、美學、心理學分析歸納研究,然筆者透過作品表現將自己想法表達出來,期許自己獨特的語言能和觀者引起共鳴與回應。 關鍵字:自我、潛意識、糾結、工筆畫The hair can not only represent a person's external beauty, it also contains "three thousand worried silks" means. Is a symbol of status and age, but also retain the memory of the emotional transmission symbol. "Hair" is often regarded as a symbol of women's "beauty" and "life", through the hair to convey emotions, to sing the praises of the hair as a theme, whether novels, poetry, drama, painting and music, they are based on " long hair for the men to save " to create a touching love story. In this article, focuses on the characteristics of the hair, trying to create new thinking, explore the modern urban context, people in real life’s working " pressure" and "conflict", the thinking analysis of the mind. Explore the inner tangled consciousness to search The value of the life of self. There are two purposes in this article: First, the performance of delicate feelings through the meticulous brushwork lines, cause the resonance by the viewer to watch the works Second, through the visual effects combined with life experience, an expressionof the helpless and diversified characteristics of the years quickly disappeared Freud, Sigmund 1856-1939, the Austrian psychiatrist and founder of the psychoanalytic school, has shown in the psychoanalysis that the subconscious mind outside of human experience affects us in life, which means that intervenes in our every moment, also reflect a person's mental and desire, but they are not perceiving of its existence. The author through “the hair" for the creation of the theme to explore the value of life and an inner discussion, looking for self. Through the analysis of the literature, take the theoretical analysis method, the research, observation method, creative works as a creative basis for the creation of theoretical basis to explore, will be analyzing the related theories, aesthetics, psychological analysis of induction. However, the author through his works to express their ideas, Hopes its own unique language can Cause the resonance and response from the viewer. Keywords:self, subconscious, Tangled, Brushwork自我潛意識糾結工筆畫selfsubconsciousTangledBrushwork髮魅:迷惘與糾結意識-謝華庭彩墨創作論述Hair of attraction:Perplexity and Tangled Consciousness Hua-Ting Hsieh,