單文經Wen-jing Shan鄭如芳Ju-Fang Cheng2019-08-282008-1-232019-08-282007http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0692000206%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90044本研究目的在探討國中男生與女生多元智能發展情形,使用問卷調查法,以台北市國中二年級學生為對象,抽取860名有效樣本,以「多元智能取向量表」為工具進行研究。調查所得資料,使用獨立樣本t考驗、因素分析、多元智能光譜等統計方法加以分析。統計完成後,從八個智能中各選取一位發展水準較佳的男生和女生進行訪談。根據研究結果歸納出幾點發現: 一、根據統計分析發現: (一)男生和女生除了身體-動覺與內省智能以外,其餘六項皆有著顯著差異。男生數學-邏輯、自然觀察者智能較佳,女生語文、音樂 、空間與人際智能較佳。 (二)男生的數學-邏輯和語文智能有高度相關,內省和人際智能有高度相關。 (三)智能分佈水準方面,男生在數學-邏輯智能呈現近似負偏態分佈、音樂智能呈現近似正偏態分佈。女生在數學-邏輯智能呈現近似正偏態分佈、音樂智能/人際智能呈現近似負偏態分佈。 二、根據訪談分析結果發現,個案男生與個案女生於同一個智能,表現出不同的邏輯思考與興趣,並受到其他智能交互運作影響。 最後,研究者根據研究結果,對於促進男女生多元智能發展的教學,以及後續研究方面提供建議,做為後進之參考。The purpose of the study is to investigate the multiple intelligences development of boy and girl junior high school students. Applying “multiple intelligence questionnaires” on second-grade cohort in junior high school at Taipei city including 860 sample students, we use Independent-Sample T-test, Factor Analysis, and Multiple Intelligence Spectrum as methodology and select eight boys and eight girls who have better performance in one respective intelligence to interview.The summary of the investigation is list below: 1. Except for Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence and Intrapersonal intelligence, the other six intelligences show obvious difference between boys and girls. Boys are good at Logical-Mathematical intelligence and Naturalist intelligence while girls are good at Verbal-Linguistic intelligence, Musical intelligence, Spatial intelligence and Interpersonal intelligence. 2. Logical-Mathematical intelligence and Verbal-Linguistic intelligence, Intrapersonal intelligence and Interpersonal intelligence reveal high correla<tions for boys respectively. 3. With respect to Multiple Intelligence Spectrum, Logical-Mathematical intelligence and Interpersonal intelligence show negative skewness, Musical intelligence shows positive skewness for boys, however Logical-Mathematical intelligence shows positive skewness and Musical intelligence shows negative skewness for girls. According to the analysis of interview, we also observe boys and girls show quit different logic thinking and interesting within the same intelligence, however the eight intelligences interact with each other. From the above conclusion, the study provides several recommendations for “multiple intelligences teaching” and “Follow-Up studies”.多元智能性別性別差異multiple intelligencesgendergender differences臺北市國中學生多元智能發展之性別探究The Gender Differences in Multiple Intelligences Development of Junior High School Students Study