吳錦勳Jing-Xun Wu2019-08-122019-08-122015-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/81668本文旨在探究水平思考教學在資優創造力教育上的應用。內文首先討論水平思考與資優創造力教育,繼而說明如何進行水平思考教學與設計,最後探究水平思考教學方案對國小資優班學生創造力的影響。This study was to explore the teaching of lateral thinking in the gifted education of creativity. First discussed the lateral thinking and gifted education of creativity. And then explains how to design teaching of lateral thinking. Finally, explore the creativity effect of lateral thinking teaching program for gifted students.水平思考教學資優生創造力教育teaching of lateral thinkinggifted studentseducation of creativity水平思考教學在資優生創造力教育上的應用Application of Teaching for Lateral Thinking on Gifted Education of Creativity