陳昭儀李雪菱楊尚容Chao-Yi ChenShiue-Ling LeeAnita Shang-Jung Yang2019-08-122019-08-122016-11-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/80757目前國內與新住民子女相關的媒體或論文,大多關注弱勢關懷的層面,然盱衡事實已有不少新住民子女進入資優教育方案之中,因此本研究期能關注新住民子女的優勢能力,以正向積極的態度審思此教育議題,並實際啟動具體積極的作為,讓這些新住民子女資優生得以發揮其優勢能力與專長,這將是積極看見臺灣社會邁向多元文化發展的重要教育議題。研究參與者包括臺北市及新北市36 位新住民子女資優生及其父母與23 位良師,在多元彈性分組下進行師生互動、小組活動與大團體主題課程之多元「良師引導方案」。本方案以行動研究方式,不斷調整方案的進行。研究團隊透過觀察、深度訪談並蒐集相關文件與檔案資料,分析師生互動及學生學習成效。本研究發現在實踐歷程方面之現象包括:一、落實行動研究之精神,依據師親生之需求,彈性靈活調整方案;二、師生互動開展出多元的教學與學習方式與策略;三、新住民子女資優生的母親是教育資源積極的提供者。而影響情形則為:一、本方案開拓了資優生家庭的社交文化圈;二、本方案重視良師的增能歷程:良師的傾聽、看見、理解與分享;三、師親生的成長與回應。Purpose: Most of the contemporary mass media and academic theses related to the children of new immigrants have focused on the shortcomings and weaknesses of such children. However, a considerable number of these children have already participated in educational programs for the gifted. Our study thus emphasized their potentials and strengths. We believe that we can provide more positive attention to this educational agenda and encourage practical actions such as providing long-term tutors to mentor these students as well as other forms of support for developing the special abilities and skills of these students. This process is a crucial step in transforming Taiwan into a multicultural society. Methods: This study involved 23 mentors and 36 gifted students among two elementary schools; one in Taipei City, and one in New Taipei City, as well as the parents of the gifted students. We established a year-long mentorship program to observe mentors and students in three types of settings: one-on-one interactions, group activities, and large classes. We conducted action research, which involved continually adjusting the program when we discovered any obstacles in interactions between mentors and students. Through direct observation, in-depth interviews, and the collection of relevant documentary materials, the research team analyzed the interaction processes and effects of the mentorship program. The research data were extensive, which included 46 interviews and observation periods of mentors, parents, and students; 32 learning records written by students; 23 reflection records on the mentorship program; five records from workshops; email communication records; Facebook messages; and various documents. The data were analyzed in four stages. First, all data were numbered according to resources and time. Second, the keywords were numbered. Third, conversing related units and composed to subtitle. Fourth, the essence and conceptual themes of the study were formulated accordi新住民子女資優生良師引導方案Gifted Children of New ImmigrantsMentorship Programs新住民子女資優生「良師引導方案」之實踐歷程及其影響情形The Implementation Process of Mentorship Programs for Gifted Children of New Immigrants