劉潔心Chieh-Hsin Liu楊靜昀Ching-Yun Yang2019-08-282012-2-212019-08-282012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0098053113%22.&%22.id.&amp;http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/87679本研究之目的在運用戲劇介入性教育,以學生為中心之教學方法,結合社會認知理論、健康信念模式及社會支持等理論為依據而發展介入計畫,期能透過本介入計畫提升國小高年級學生在性知識、性態度、性健康生活技能之自我效能。 為探究本介入計畫成效,以準實驗研究設計之實驗組對照組前測、後測、後後測設計方式,選取100學年度之國民小學高年級學生為主要研究對象,共147人。實驗組85名學生接受戲劇介入性教育計畫,而對照組則為鄰近地區社經背景相似之高年級學生共62名,接受九年一貫健康與體育教學。兩組於實驗組接受教學介入前同時完成前測問卷,介入期間二個月,於介入後同步進行後測,並於六週後進行後後測,以了解介入之整體成效。本研究之成效評量工具包括過程評價之半結構式問卷、學習心得、教學介入效果之結構式問卷等,以能收集介入歷程及結果之量性成效評量資料。   研究結果發現運用「戲劇介入性教育」課程教學設計,將性教育教學內容編排於劇情中,對於提升「性知識」、「性態度」、「性健康生活技能之自我效能」皆有良好效果且達統計上的顯著差異(p<.001)。實驗組學生對此教學過程及戲劇持正面的評價,學生認為有很大的助益,有九成以上的學生喜歡此教學方式且有助於了解性相關的生心理知識、建立正向的性態度及更有把握做到性健康生活技能之自我效能部分。此教學模式可於校園實施,並且也可以結合藝術與人文及健體領域課程,取代傳統的教學方式。The objective of this study was to utilize a dramatic educational intervention program designed and developed using student-centered teaching methods that combined with the theories of social cognition, health belief model and social support. We expected that the study would make exploration in the effectiveness of intervention program on life skills regarding sex knowledge, sexual attitudes and sexual health for students of high-grade elementary school students. A quasi-experimental research design is with pre-test, post-test and post-post-test to compare the differences between experimental and control groups after the intervention program. A total of 147 higher-grade elementary school students were included in 2011. Dramatic educational intervention was introduced to 85 students in the experimental group. The control group, including 62 students with similar socio-economic background and living in neighboring regions, received health and physical curriculum from grade 1 to grade 9. Pre-test questionnaires of the control group and experimental group were completed simultaneously before the experimental group received teaching intervention. Post-tests were made right after the 2-month intervention, while post-post-tests were evaluated at 6 weeks after the intervention. The overall effectiveness was therefore determined. To collect quantitative information about the effectiveness of intervention for the process and resultant outcomes, the assessment instruments consisted of semi-structured questionnaire used for the evaluation of process, learning experiences and structured questionnaire for teaching intervention. The results indicated that there were statistically significant differences (p<.001)and excellent effectiveness on improving sexual knowledge, sexual attitudes, sexual health and life skills of self-efficacy by using the teaching design of “dramatic educational intervention in sex education” that arranged the content of sex education in the drama. The students of experimental group had positive attitude towards the teaching process and dramatic content. They also agreed that there was a great help. Over 90% of students favored the teaching methods contributing to the understanding of sex related physiological and psychological knowledge, building of positive attitudes toward sex and enabling them to have greater confidence to achieve life skills in sexual health. This teaching model may be implemented on campus and used to replace traditional teaching methods by combining with art and the field of humanities as well as fitness programs.性教育國小學生戲劇教育sex educationelementary school studentsDramatic education運用戲劇教育於國小性教育之介入研究-以南投縣某國小高年級學生為例Effectiveness on the dramatic educational intervention in sex education in elementary school: an example of students of higher-grade elementary school in Nantou County