劉美慧李莉貞2019-08-282018-7-232019-08-282013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0594003116%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89906本研究旨在回溯我的國中教師會會長經驗,乘著敘事探究的羽翼,依據Lieblich等人所提出的「類別-內容」分析模式,重現學校教師會會長處於「學校教師會運作」、「維護教師專業自主」、「參與學校本位經營」三層面交集處的故事,再從其中探討並歸結出學校教師會所實踐的教師專業自主意涵。 書寫故事以前,自己的學校教師會會長經驗,停留在「忙、盲、茫」的層次,經由自我敘說及兩位研究參與者的相互敘說,找到在學校教師會運作部分,自己促成了會務微改革的勞役均分與分權,營造合作共事的團隊;在維護教師專業自主部分,發現專業的內涵含括:「教學知能」、「班級經營」、「反省實踐」、「進修成長」、「全人發展」、「公民意識」六個要素;在學校本位經營部分,體會到學校認同意識的重要性,及需去除教師冷漠文化的必要性。 研究文本的生成,重寫出學校教師會及我個人教職生涯的雙重意義,在敘事探究後,學校教師會會長的經驗從薛西弗斯的巨石,化為我手中的一顆「專業雷達」,解答了我當老師以來的種種難題和疑惑,也提供我看待未來教職生涯發展的可能性。最後,以學校教師會局內人的親身體驗,提出呼籲:臺灣獨有的學校教師會存在有其價值,可轉型為專業組織,但不宜廢除。The purpose of this study was to retrospect my experience of being a director-general of middle school teachers' association. Riding on the wings of narrative inquiry and using categorical-content analysis, I rewrote the story about how a director-general worked among “operation of school teachers' association”, “upholding teachers' professional autonomy” and “participation in school-based management”, and then probed and concluded the meaning of teachers' professional autonomy developed by the school teachers' association. Before constructing my director-general experience, I felt lost and confused about my teaching career. Through the process of self-narration and interactive narrative inquiry with two research participants, I uncovered that I had promoted division and decentralization of school teachers' association work and a cooperative team had been built. As for the part of upholding teachers' professional autonomy, six elements were required: pedagogical knowledge, classroom management, reflective practice, professional development, holistic development, and civic consciousness. As far as school-based management is concerned, I realized the importance of school identity and the necessity of eliminating teachers’ indifference. When I reframed my story to a new, narrative text, the frame-of-seeing had changed. On one hand, the director-general experience reconstructed my knowledge of teachers’ profession, solving the difficulties and problems I had encountered. On the other hand, it provided positive possibilities in my future teaching career. Finally, according to my study, I recommended that school teachers' associations should not be abolished but should be transformed to professional unions.學校教師會教師專業自主學校本位經營敘事探究school teachers' associationteachers' professional autonomyschool-based managementnarrative inquirynarrative inquiry穿越迷霧——在國中教師會運作中實踐教師專業自主