Hung-chun Wang2016-05-102016-05-102014-12-??本研究旨在探視聽力測驗中視覺輔助的圖像複雜度是否影響英語學習者聽力理解能力,以及學習者本身的場地依賴/獨立性是否影響他們如何運用不同複雜度的視覺輔助。研究對象為255 位來自北部一所專科學校的學生,他們分別完成團體嵌圖測驗及兩份依全民英檢初級測驗所改編之聽力測驗,其中在第二份聽力測驗中,研究對象分別獲得三種不同複雜度圖像中的一種作為視覺輔助工具,包括簡單圖像、複雜圖像和超複雜圖像。研究結果顯示視覺輔助的圖像複雜度顯著影響學習者的聽力理解表現;整體而言,場地獨立學習者的聽力表現比場地依賴學習者表現更佳。根據研究發現,本研究提出特別是在初級聽力測驗中,視覺輔助的運用應以複雜圖像為主,而在聽力教學活動中,教師亦應提升學生運用不同視覺輔助的能力。This study examined the effects of the pictorial complexity of visual aids on English-as-a-foreign-language (EFL) learners’ listening comprehension, and of field dependence/independence orientation on their listening comprehension in situations where visuals of different complexity levels were provided. Data consisting of scores on the Group Embedded Figures Test and two listening tests were collected from 255 participants drawn from six classes in a junior college in Taiwan. The first listening test measured learners’ general listening proficiency, while the second test assessed the effects on listening of visuals operationalized in three different conditions of pictorial complexity: simple monochrome, complex monochrome, and supracomplex monochrome. Results show that the complex monochrome group performed best, indicating a significant influence of pictorial complexity on listening comprehension and suggesting complex monochrome as optimal for visual aids in listening tests. While interaction of pictorial complexity and field dependence/independence was not found, in general, field independence was a preferable style across the three conditions. This study concludes with a call for more research into visual aids in second language testing studies.場地依賴與獨立性 圖片複雜度 視覺輔助field dependence/independencepictorial complexityvisual aids見林又見樹:圖像複雜度、場地依賴/獨立性及英語聽力理解Seeing the Forest and the Trees: Pictorial Complexity, Field Dependence/Independence, and English Listening Comprehension