陳佩英鄭怡如Cheng, Yi-Ju2019-08-282017-08-142019-08-282017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060100021E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89634 現代社會有愈來愈多綜合職能科學生畢業後繼續升大學,本研究以有念大學的綜合職能科學生對象,回溯兩位學生的成長歷程,他們如何在不同階段與障礙互動,以質性的方法、社會學的觀點進行分析,探討他們在障礙的標籤下社會化的歷程,並分析推動他們社會化的重要動因, 根據研究資料,兩位學生雖然成長的背景各不相同,但也因為障礙而有類似的經驗,他們與家庭、學校、制度之間的互動,不斷影響他們的選擇。由研究分析與討論中,歸納出以下結論: 壹、與障礙共處的社會化歷程: 在研究中,可以看見學生的社會化歷程是反覆在與障礙作互動的。即使他們有權力參與系統,社會卻有著雙重標準,學生渴望擁有「一般人的身分」,逃脫被投以異樣眼光的對待。也因為常是不被信任的,他們對未來表現出矛盾的性格,家人、老師也只是憑藉著經驗給予建議,但不見得能獲得預期的結果,未來是不斷在變動的。權力的鑿痕存在於制度之中,在學校制度裡,學生的教育成就會歸因在自身,而非檢視結構或資源的分配;在鑑定制度中,他們的自我認同也是錯亂的,被界定障礙後,隨之而來的福利可能也是標記。 貳、綜職科學生社會化的動因 家庭在學生社會化歷程中緩衝外界帶來的衝擊與壓力,家人也成為他們重要的學習楷模。隨著學生的成長,重要他人還可以加入教師或同儕,在共享的價值系統中對學生有了不同的詮釋,學生的角色形象也可以轉變。但不見得包容的環境就是好的,讓學生最自在的環境,是能夠正視他的差異、提供協助但不會放大他的障礙的所在。 研究中也發現一些現象,雖不在研究問題中,但也提出供作未來教育、研究之 參考: 在面對障礙這件事,教師傾向以「專業」的視角去對待學生,老師們願意傾聽,卻常缺乏等待,但學校教育應教導學生自我決策並為此負責,對於較為弱勢的學生,更是要多充實他們在下判斷以前的基礎知識,讓他們的人生與自己產生關連。以本研究主題為例,教師應多方了解學生畢業後各管道的發展機會,學生入學後能夠理解多少或者對未來的幫助有多少?有非常多的變因。另外,對於未來研究之建議,可探討綜職科學生在國小、國中的適應情形,以更完整的面相來研究學生學習與成長的整體教育經驗。In modern society, more and more students with IDD from vocational high school going to college. The study explored the stories of two college students with IDD who graduated from vocational high schools. The study first asked how they experienced their disabilities at different stages? With the sociological perspectives and the use of qualitative methods, the research then explored their socialization in the label of the obstacles and analyzed the important motivations for promoting their socialization. According to the findings, although with different backgrounds, the two college students experienced similar encounters because of their obstacles. In constant interaction with family, school, and system, these encounters impacted their life choices. Based on the analysis and interpretation of the findings, the following conclusions have been drawn: 1. The socialization with obstacles: In the study, we can see that the socialization of students has been occurred in the interaction with the enduring obstacles. Even if they had the rights to participate in the system, the society presented itself with double standards. These particular students eager to become one of "ordinary people", and to escape to from discriminating eyes. Also, because they are often not trusted, they developed themselves with contradictory personality. Their families or teachers advised them according to their own experiences, but not necessarily resulted in the desired outcomes, and the future has been constantly changing. The power exists in the system. In the school system, the educational achievements of the students depend predominantly on their own efforts, rather than association with the distribution of the structure or the resource. In the system of identification, their self-identity is embedded in “abnormal” category. The social welfare based on such “abnormal” categories enhances such social tags. 2. The motivations of socialization of vocational college students with IDD Family can buffer the impact of the outside world and the pressure, the family has provided important role models to learn from. With the growth of students, significant others can also be their teachers or peers. If the system treats these disable students with a different perspective, the role of the student's image can also be changed. But the most comfortable environment for students is not a completely inclusive, but an environment is able to face his or her differences, to provide assistance but will not enlarge his or her obstacles. The study also recommends some further research direction: Teachers tend to take on a "professional" perspective to treat students with IDD, teachers are willing to listen, but often lack of patience for waiting. In addition, the school education should teach students to self-determination and responsible for this. For students with IDD, more is to enrich their basic knowledge before judging, so that their life and their own related. Taking the subject of this research as an example, teachers should learn more about the possibilities and opportunities for the students’ future after graduation. There are many factors that influence how many students can learn or use after getting into colleges in the future. A future research could further explore the comprehensive situation of students in the compulsory education to study the overall learning experiences of students.綜合職能科學生社會化歷程障礙經驗大學生智能障礙s: intellectual disability student in vocational high schoolsocialization processdisability experiencecollege studentintellectual disability與障礙共處-升大學之綜合職能科學生社會化歷程研究How I interact with disability-Research on the College Student Socialization Process of Students with Intellectual Disability in Vocational High School