邱貴發Chiou, Guey-Fa柯宜君Ke, Yi-Chun2019-08-292017-07-162019-08-292017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060208005E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92721本研究檢證國小五年級學生在節奏學習使用Rhythmic Village軟體的學習成效、對Rhythmic Village的使用態度及學生過去學習經驗與本研究節奏後測成績相關性。研究分為三組,自學組為21位自行使用Rhythmic Village軟體於電腦教室操作單機學習節奏概念之學生;教師教學電腦練習組為25位接受教師教學後使用Rhythmic Village軟體於電腦教室操作單機練習節奏概念之學生;教師教學樂器練習組為21位接受教師教學後使用節奏樂器練習節奏之學生。以前測與後測分數檢證學生之節奏學習成效,以態度問卷結結果歸納學生對節奏學習與使用Rhythmic Village學習之態度,及以後測分數與學生家庭音樂背景問卷資料分析兩者相關性。 研究發現,自學組學生使用「Rhythmic Village」學習,在聽力與實作上有顯著學習成效,但認知成就的效果並不顯著。教師教學後搭配「Rhythmic Village」進行節奏練習,在認知、聽力與實作上皆有顯著學習成效。教師教學電腦練習組及教師教學樂器練習組兩組在認知、聽力與實作的學習成效並無差異。態度方面,自學組學生認為由老師使用「Rhythmic Village」進行節奏教學的學習效果會更好;教師教學電腦練習組與自學組學生對於使用「Rhythmic Village」學習持正向看法。學生過去學習經驗及家庭背景與後測成績之相關性方面,聽力與實作皆與個人音樂經驗有顯著正相關,認知部分與學生過去音樂學習經驗及家庭背景並無明顯關係。This study investigated the rhythm learning outcomes of the fifth grade students adopting the learning software – Rhythmic Village, their attitudes toward the usage of Rhythmic Village, and the correlation between students’ past learning experiences and the post-outcome of this study. There were three groups included. Within the self-learning group, there were 21 students using Rhythmic Village learning the concept of rhythm on their own in the computer lab. In the computer-based teaching group, prior to using Rhythmic Village to practice in the lab, 25 students were taught by teachers regarding rhythm. Lastly, 21 students were allocated in the instrument-based teaching group, and these students adopted musical instruments to practice rhythm after being taught by teachers. The rhythm learning outcomes were examined through the comparison of the pre-test score and the post-test score. With the responses collected from the attitude questionnaire, students’ attitudes toward rhythm learning and their learning attitudes via Rhythmic Village were analyzed. This study also looked into the correlation between the post-test score and students’ parental music background. The results revealed that, in the self-learning group, learning outcomes of listening and practicing skills were significantly effective, yet not the cognitive learning outcomes. In the computer-based teaching group, cognitive, listening, and practicing learning outcomes were all shown significantly effective. There was no differences found between the computer-based teaching group and the instrument-based teaching group in terms of learning outcomes of cognitive, listening, and practicing skills.節奏學習電腦輔助軟體音樂學習節奏學習態度rhythm learningcomputer-aided softwaremusic learningrhythm learning attitude音樂虛擬教具Rhythmic Village 對國小五年級節奏學習的影響Effects of the Musical Virtual Manipulative “Rhythmic Village” on Fifth Graders’ Rhythm Learning