羅明琇Lo, Ming-Shiow羅振嘉Lo, Chen-Chia2023-12-082024-07-012023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/4da8bbc5cb3f66bacc3d3db06e49be2f/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/121960本研究針對台灣傳統B2B外貿企業以跨境電子商務做為數位轉型方案的個案進行探討,藉由設計思考法,找出創新且具市場性的可行方案。有別於量化研究,本研究以深度訪談方式進行並提供個別化輔導建議。為凸顯不同產業特性,本研究以食品業(個案企業A)與汽配業(個案企業B)作為研究對象並比較分析。透過設計思考的四大步驟(發現探索、歸納定義、創意發想、測試實作),挖掘個案面臨之問題,利用買家旅程地圖、商業模式圖與跨個案分析等工具,以提供有效之建議,進而得出以下結論:一、跨境電商企業進行數位轉型將面臨產業鏈結合與營運模式巨大變革,進而促使行銷策略轉變,以重視買家體驗為核心,提高其滿意度和忠誠度。二、跨境電商企業面臨兩大痛點「數據科學」與「人才稀缺」。企業需在人才招聘和員工培訓(產學合作、企業內訓)投入更多的努力,並結合買家旅程的內容,協助提升數據解讀能力。三、在B2B電商平台上,買家的身份和需求將對企業所提供的價值服務產生顯著影響。品牌經營者需注重產品品質與價格競爭力,自行創業者需產品專業諮詢和經營上的輔導。四、商品保存難易度將直接影響運費及時效性,更是影響價值服務的關鍵。保存較易的企業(如汽配業)可充分發揮存貨優勢,並提供多樣性和快速發貨。保存較難的企業(如食品業)則以提供更好的整合性服務以保持其優勢。綜上所述,企業在跨境電商轉型過程中,需要注意買家需求和提高數據解讀能力,同時根據商品的特點和保存難易度等因素,提供不同的價值服務。This study discusses the case of traditional B2B trade companies using cross-border e-commerce as a digital transformation strategy. Based on the method of design-thinking, we explore the innovative and feasible solutions. Different from the Quantitative researches, we conduct in-depth interviews to collect the data and information. We choose two enterprises (case A is classified as food industry, and case B is classified as auto-part industry) to highlight the differences due to the industrial characters.By the four steps of Design-thinking (Discovery, Define, Develop and Delivery,4D), we explore the dilemma of the cases and conduct the buyer’s journey map, business canvas and cross-cases analysis for them. The suggests and results are following:1. Enterprises using cross-border e-commerce as a digital transformation strategy will be confronted with tremendous changes in industrial links and operational mode. Furthermore, the marketing strategies will be mortified to care about the buy’s experiences and promote the satisfactions and loyalty.2. The pain points of cross-border e-commerce enterprises are ”Data exploration” and “lack of talent”. Recruitment and training (e.g. Collaboration between industries and schools) can be reinforced. Together with the buyer’s journey, we can explore the data better.3. The status and desire of buyers play important roles to affect the value service in B2B e-commerce platform. The brand manager cares quality of products and discount of price; the entrepreneur asks for more professional consultations and counseling.4. Product storage difficulty directly impacts shipping costs, delivery time, and service quality. Companies with easily-stored products, such as car parts businesses, can leverage inventory, offer diverse products, and ensure swift delivery. Those with difficult-to-store products, such as the food industry, can offer integrated services to maintain their competitive edge.Conclusively, companies in the process of transitioning to cross-border e-commerce must consider diverse customer demands, enhance their data analysis proficiency, and offer distinct value-added services according to product attributes and storage complexity數位轉型設計思考B2B跨境電商Digital transformationdesign thinkingB2B Cross-Border e-Commerce台灣B2B跨境電商經營困境之探討 - 設計思考觀點An Exploration of the Dilemma of B2B Cross-BorderE-Commerce in Taiwan: The Design Thinking Perspectiveetd