余 鑑邱睿儀2019-09-042004-1-132019-09-042004http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22N2004000032%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/99385本研究目的主要在探討傑出視障者於求職與在職期間所面臨的困難與因應方式,以及影響其職業生涯發展的因素。本研究採多重個案研究的研究方法,訪談七位傑出視覺障礙者後,將訪談內容轉謄為逐字稿,並進行資料的編碼、分析與歸納,得到以下的結論: 一、傑出視障者於求職時所面臨的困難,包含缺乏非政府與專業機構資源的支持、缺乏就業機會、和創業困難三大類。其因應方式主要有兩種,一種是問題取向的因應方式,另一種是尋求社會支持的因應方式。 二、傑出視障者於在職期間所面臨的困難,包含個人本身的問題、組織中遭遇的問題、外在環境遭遇的問題三大類。其因應方式,最主要是以問題取向的因應方式來面對,其次是尋求社會支持的因應方式,而較少以情緒取向的因應方式來處理在職困難。 三、影響傑出視障者職業生涯發展之個人因素有四點:個人職業表現、個人心理特質、個人本身的問題、個人職業挫折。 (一)在個人職業表現方面可再細分成三點:職場所需能力、工作態度、成就感。 (二)在個人心理特質方面可再細分成三點:個性、企圖心旺盛、對自我的掌握。 (三)在個人本身的問題方面可再細分成二點:個人生理因素的限制、想法或志趣與他人或工作不合。 (四)在個人職業挫折方面可再細分成二點:專業能力不足、工作遭受挫折。 四、影響傑出視障者職業生涯發展之環境因素有六點:與視障者無個人脈絡關係之資源支持與否、與視障者有個人脈絡關係之資源支持與否、政府與專業機構支持與否、重要人事物的影響、組織中遭遇的問題、外在環境不佳。 (一)在與視障者無個人脈絡關係之資源支持與否方面可再細分成二點:與視障者無個人脈絡關係之資源支持協助與鼓勵、與視障者無個人脈絡關係之資源對視障者認知不足。 (二)在與視障者有個人脈絡關係之資源支持與否方面可再細分成二點:與視障者有個人脈絡關係之資源支持協助與鼓勵、與視障者有個人脈絡關係之資源不支持。 (三)在政府與專業機構支持與否方面可再細分成二點:政府與專業機構支持與協助、公部門效能不彰。 (四)在重要人事物的影響方面可再細分成二點:重要人物的影響、文憑與工具的輔助。 (五)在組織中遭遇的問題可再細分成三點:與公司同仁相處困難、組織不完善、經營管理遭遇的困難。 (六)在外在環境不佳方面可再細分成二點:同業間的惡性競爭、外在環境欠佳。The purpose of this study was to explore the difficulties that the outstanding visually impaired had encountered in job seeking and at work, and the factors that influence their career development. The research method adopted here was the multiple-case study. Seven outstanding visually impaired people were interviewed. After the interviews, the contents were tape recorded and transcribed. Then, the transcript was coded and analyzed to establish the research findings and conclusions. The conclusions are as following: 1. The main difficulties that the outstanding visually impaired had in job seeking include: the lack of the support from non-governmental or professional organizations, lack of employment opportunities, and difficulties to start a business. There are two main coping ways employed by them for those difficulties. One is problem-focused coping; the other is seeking social supports. 2. The main difficulties that the outstanding visually impaired had at work include: individual problems, difficulties from organization, and difficulties from external environment. The main ways for them to cope with those difficulties are problem-focused coping. The second is seeking social supports. The final, used least, is emotion-focused coping. 3. There are four personal factors that influence the career development of the outstanding visually impaired. Their performance at work, psychological characteristics, individual problems and frustrations at work that ever faced. (1) Performance at work can be divided into three aspects: the ability needed at work, working attitude, and sense of achievement. (2) Psychological characteristics can be divided into three aspects: personality, high ambition, and the ability of self-control. (3) Individual problems can be divided into two aspects: physical limitation, and disagreement between personal ideas or aspiration and interest with other person or job. (4) There are two aspects-insufficient specialized ability and frustrations- at work that were ever had by them. 4. There are six environmental factors included. If he/she gain the supports from the relationship with the one who has or hasn’t gotten the resource, significant persons and events, problems encountered at work, and difficulties faced in external environment- that influence the career development of the visually impaired people. (1) The supports from relationship with the one who hasn’t gotten the resource can be divided into two aspects: the supports, assistance and encouragements from them, and from them but lack of awareness and understanding of visually impaired people. (2) The supports from the one who has gotten the resource can be divided into two aspects: supports, assistance and encouragements from them, or unsupported from them. (3) The supports from the government or the professional organizations can be divided into two aspects: supports and assistance from the government and the professional organizations, and low effectiveness of government. (4) The influence of significant persons and events can be divided into two aspects: the influences from significant persons, and diploma and assisted technological assistances and tools. (5) The problems encountered at work can be divided into three aspects: how to get along with colleagues, insufficient supporting resources and unsound infrastructure of organization, and difficulties of management of personal business. (6) Difficulties from external environment can be divided into two aspects: vicious competition among the industries, and disadvantages of economic conditions.傑出視覺障礙者職業生涯發展影響因素outstanding visually impaired peoplecareer developmentinfluencing factors影響傑出視覺障礙者職業生涯發展因素之研究