簡茂發吳清基Maw-Fa ChienChing-Ji Wu詹敏慈Chang Chan Min-Tzu2019-08-282015-06-262019-08-282015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0893000108%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89678本研究旨在了解私立科技大學教師的工作壓力與幸福感之關係,並了解 教師的工作壓力與幸福感之間,其自我效能、社會支持、與正面思考,是否存有影響作用。此外,本研究探討不同的教師人口變項對其工作壓力、社會支持、自我效能、正向思考及幸福感的關係。本論文內容乃根據文獻探討,建立研究概念,並參酌國內外使用之相關研究測量工具,透過問卷預試與信度及效度分析,同時敦請專家學者進行專業構念及內容效度之檢驗。主要的研究工具統稱為「科技大學教師工作壓力與幸福感量表」,包括五種問卷:「教師工作壓力量表」、「教師自我效能量表」、「教師正向思考量表」、「教師社會支持量表」、「教師幸福感量表」,外加「教師基本背景資料」。本研究採用Chronbach α係數作為分析問卷題目內部一致性的信度指標,亦採探索性因素分析法與驗證性因素分析法進行效度之檢驗。研究對象為國內私立科技大學,共發放372份問卷,回收207份,有效問卷為200份,可用率達96.62%。 統計分析方法採描述性統計、單因子多變量變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關、逐步多元迴歸及同時多元迴歸。 綜合文獻探討與實徴性研究結果,本研究獲致主要結論如下: 一、 私立科技大學教師的整體工作壓力屬於「中等程度」;教師整體自我效能與 整體正向思考較偏「中上程度」;教師整體社會支持屬於「中等程度」;教師整體幸福感屬於「中上程度」。 二、 私立科技大學教師工作壓力、自我效能、正向思考、社會支持、幸福感與其 「性別」、「年齡」、「年資」、「職級」及所屬的「學院」等背景變項有所關聯。 三、 私立科技大學教師工作壓力、自我效能、正向思考、社會支持與工作熱忱、 工作滿意、整體幸福感之間有顯著相關存在。 四、 私立科技大學教師之工作壓力之構面對其工作熱忱、工作滿意、整體幸福感, 具有預測力;而教師工作壓力之構面與其自我效能之構面、正向思考之構面、 社會支持之構面,聯合且交融對其工作熱忱、工作滿意、整體幸福感,產生 相輔相成作用,更具有預測力。 五、 教師之角色期望、達成目標、平靜安穩、感恩欣賞、工具支持、訊息支持等 因素聯合且交融對其工作熱忱、工作滿意、整體幸福感,產生相輔相成作用,也具有相當的預測力。 基於上述研究結果,本研究也提出具體可行的建議以供私立教師大學教師、學校行政管理階層與後續研究之參考。 關鍵詞:教師工作壓力、自我效能、正向思考、教師社會支持、教師幸福感The main purposes of this study were to investigate the relationship of teacher job stress and well-being and to explore if teacher self-efficacy, positive thinking, and social support could have a significant impact on the relationship. In addition, the study discussed the effects of teacher demographic variables (gender, age, working years, positions, and college) on job stress, self-efficacy, positive thinking, social support, and well-being. The sample consisted of 200 teacher subjects from a private vocational and technological university in northern Taiwan. The required data were collected with five sets of questionnaires, namely Teacher Job Stress, Teacher Self-efficacy, Teacher Positive Thinking, Teacher Social Support, and Teacher Well-Being. In addition, the teachers’ demographic data were also gathered with the five sets of questionnaires. For analyzing data, the study conducted statistical analyses including one-way MANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, stepwise multiple regression and simultaneous multiple regression. The study utilized Cronbach’s α coefficients , exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factory analysis to examine the reliability and validity of the questionnaires. The main findings were listed as follows: 1.The average level of job stress and social support for teachers at a private vocational and technological universities was around the standard value 3, based on the Likert five points scale; while self-efficacy, positive thinking, and well-being at that higher than the value 3.50. 2.The teacher job stress, self-efficacy, positive thinking, social support, and well-being were somewhat associated with their gender, age, years of working experience, job ranking, and the college they were with, respectively. 3.The relationship was proved to be significantly correlated as stated in the following: (1)Negative relations existed between teacher job stress and passion for work, job satisfaction, and overall well-being, respectively. (2)Positive relations existed between teacher self-efficacy and passion for work, job satisfaction, and overall well-being, respectively. (3)Positive relations existed between teacher positive thinking and passion for work, job satisfaction, and overall well-being, respectively. (4)Positive relations existed between teacher social support and passion for work, job satisfaction, and overall well-being, respectively. 4.The predictability was examined and proved to be significant in existence when using the eight constructs of teacher job stress to forecast passion for work, job satisfaction, and overall well-being, respectively. 5.The extent of predictability was also examined and proved to be more powerful when using the eight constructs of teacher job stress, together with the two constructs of teacher self-efficacy, the two constructs of teacher positive thinking, and the four constructs of teacher social support, to forecast passion for work, job satisfaction, and overall well-being, respectively. 6.The extent of predictability was equally powerful when using the positive thinking constructs (peace of mind, and gratitude& appreciation), social support constructs (informational support and instrumental support), self-efficacy construct (goal oriented belief), and job stress construct (role expectation), all together to forecast passion for work, job satisfaction, and overall well-being, respectively. Keywords: teacher job stress, self-efficacy, positive thinking, teacher social support, teacher well-being教師工作壓力自我效能正向思考教師社會支持教師幸福感teacher job stressself-efficacypositive thinkingteacher social supportteacher well-being私立科技大學教師工作壓力、自我效能、正向思考、社會支持與幸福感之研究A Study on Teacher Job Stress, Self-Efficacy, Positive Thinking, Social Support and Well-Being of a Private Vocational and Technological University in Taiwan