潘裕豐陳映君Chen, Ying-Chun2019-08-282021-07-022019-08-282019http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0699090080%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91520本研究旨在探討特殊教育教師風險知覺與風險管理之現況及程度,並透過比較不同背景變項在風險知覺程度與風險管理程度之差異,進一步分析瞭解風險知覺與風險管理之相關與預測情形。 本研究採問卷調查法,以屏東縣、高雄市國民中小學特殊教育教師為研究對象進行分層隨機抽樣。研究工具為自編之「特殊教育教師風險知覺與風險管理問卷」,共發出210份問卷,回收有效問卷172份。所得資料以描述性統計、獨立樣本 t 考驗、單因子變異數分析、雪費法、皮爾森積差相關、逐步多元迴歸分析進行統計分析。 根據資料分析結果可以歸納得知,特殊教育教師在風險知覺與風險管理之現況皆為「中高程度」;而其在風險知覺中之「學校行政」層面之得分最高,在風險管理中則以「風險迴避與保留」層面得分最高,即顯示特殊教育教師對於學生行政相關的事件較有風險的知覺與概念,且在進行風險管理時經常選擇以風險迴避、保留的方式進行風險事件之管理。The purposes of this research shows the risk perception and risk management of special education teachers; furthermore, compares the risk perception scale and risk management on different background variances to conclude and to predict the relationships between the scales on risk perception and risk management. Special education teachers in primary and junior-high schools from Kaohsiung City and Pingtung County, the subjects of this study, were asked to fill out a questionnaire, “ Risk perception and Risk Management of Special Education Teachers”, developed and administered as the research instrument. Formal questionnaires are collected with the method of stratified random sampling, with total of 210 questionnaires distributed, among which 172 valid. The data were analyzed and explained through the methods of descriptive statistics, independent sample mean t-test, One-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation and multiple regressions. Data analysis concludes that the degree is intermediate on risk perception, and who involving school administration are higher; the degree is high on risk management, risk avoidance and risk retention frequently applied. Moreover, the conclusions show that risk perception and risk management are modestly correlated.特殊教育教師風險知覺風險管理問卷調查研究學校風險special education teachersrisk perceptionrisk managementquestionnairerisk of school特殊教育教師風險知覺與風險管理之關係研究Research on the Relationship between Risk Perception and Risk Management of Special Education Teachers