蕭惠貞Hsiao, Hui-Chen馬千惠Ma, Chian-Huey2024-12-172024-06-252024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/4e57dca728f4aec9475a63db3c7d7b24/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/122204本研究欲探討語義透明度及語境强度對華語二語學習者三字格慣用語理解表現之影響。實驗邀請61位不同國籍之中級程度華語學習者,使用E-Prime Professional 2.0軟體向受試者呈現「語義透明度高/低」及「語境強度強/弱」所組成的四種語句組合,受試者需根據閱讀內容完成語句判斷任務。本研究從正確率及反應時間分析華語二語學習者之慣用語理解表現,此外亦探討語言程度、母語背景是否為其表現帶來顯著差異。研究初步發現:(一)語義透明度顯著影響華語二語學習者之反應時間,高透明度慣用語的反應時間顯著快於低透明度慣用語。然語義透明度對正確率無顯著相關,高透明度慣用語與低透明度慣用語的正確率並無顯著差異。(二)語境強度對華語二語學習者之慣用語理解表現未產生顯著影響,強、弱語境的正確率及反應時間皆無顯著差異。(三)兩因子在高程度學習者的正確率上存在顯著交互作用,即弱語境時,高程度學習者對高透明度慣用語的正確率顯著高於低透明度慣用語。(四)兩因子在低程度學習者的反應時間上存在顯著交互作用,即弱語境時,低程度學習者對高透明度的反應時間顯著快於低透明度的反應時間。(五)語言程度及母語背景對反應時間有顯著影響,高程度學習者及日韓母語背景學習者的反應時間顯著較快。(六)語言程度和母語背景與正確率呈顯著正相關。研究結果支持Gibbs、Nayak與Cutting(1989)的可分解性假說,推測華語二語學習者之慣用語理解歷程與Titone與Connine (1994, 1999)的混合模型假說相似。文末檢視四本慣用語專門教材,並將結果結合過去慣用語教學相關討論提出四點華語慣用語教學應用及建議。This study investigates the effects of semantic transparency and contextual richness on the comprehension performance of Chinese L2 learners in three-character idioms.The experiment invited 61 intermediate to advanced language level of CSL of different nationalities. The experiment was based on a sentence judgment task, in which E-Prime Professional 2.0 presented four utterance situations consisting of"high/low semantic transparency" and "strong/weak contextual richness". Participants were required to respond according to the content, and their performance was analyzed in terms of the correctness and the response time. We also investigate whether language proficiency and mother tongue background make a difference in CSL’ performance. The results revealed that: (a)semantic transparency had a significant effect on the response time, with high transparency idioms having significantly faster response times than low transparency idioms. However, there was no effect of semantic transparency on the correctness, with no significant difference in the correctness between the high and low transparency idioms. (b)Contextual richness did not have a significant effect on the comprehension performance. There was no significant difference in the correctness and response time between strong and weak contexts. (c)There was a significant interaction between the two factors in the high level group. In weak contexts, the correctness for high transparency idioms was significantly higher than that for low transparency idioms. (d)There was a significant interaction between the two factors on the response time of the low level group. In weak contexts, the response time for high transparency idioms was significantly faster than that for low transparency idioms. (e) There was a significant effect of language proficiency and native language background on response time, i.e., high proficiency learners and learners with Japanese/Korean native language background had significantly faster response time. (f) Language proficiency and native language background had a significant positive correlation with accuracy. The results support Gibbs, Nayak, and Cutting's (1989) decomposability hypothesis, and suggest that CSL' idiom comprehension process is similar to Titone and Connine's (1994, 1999) Hybrid model. At the end of the paper, we review four Chinese idiomatic phrases teaching materials, and propose four applications and recommendations for Chinese idiomatic phrases teaching.慣用語語義透明度語境強度華語二語學習者idiomssemantic transparencycontextual richnessCSL learner華語二語學習者對三字格慣用語理解表現之探究A Study on the Effects of Different Factors on Chinese L2 Learners' Comprehension of Chinese Idioms.學術論文