呂昌明王舒薇2019-08-282003-9-122019-08-282003http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22N2003000248%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88058在電腦科技普及的今日,網路的使用,儼然是人們日常生活的一部分,不論是在蒐集資訊、購物訂位、娛樂休閒、收發訊息上網路佔有重要的一席之地,甚至在講求真誠溝通的結交朋友上,兼具神秘與開放的網路特質,更是能滿足許多人們無法在現實生活中實現的理想,因此各式交友網站在短短幾年內如雨後春筍般充斥於各大網站,對人際需求尤其強烈的青少年更是一大吸引力。但在享受網路虛擬世 界的同時,我們不免擔心對判斷力上不成熟的青少年而言,是否會因一時幻想的被滿足而沉溺其中,造成對生活的嚴重干擾?或忽略真正造成此逃避行為背後的真正原因,如低自尊、人際挫折等,而造成問題的延宕影響日後生活。 因此本研究以台北縣某國民中學351名學生為研究對象,採用問卷調查法進行資料收集。主要研究目的如下:(1)了解學生網路交友現況及看法(2)了解學生有無網路交友經驗在人口特性及社會心理特性上的差異(3)了解網路人際關係成癮高危險群與一般使用者及無經驗族在人口特性與社會心理特性上的差異(4)了解人口特性及社會心理特性對網路人際關係成癮之預測力。 研究結果發現:(1)國中生嘗試網路交友之比例約五成以上,以打發時間為主要動機(2)在社會心理特性上,網路交友與否在家庭凝聚力父母支持、手足支持、同儕支持、同儕網路交友經驗、自尊狀況及社會焦慮上上有顯著差異,而在師長支持人際關係上則無顯著差異。(3)網路人際關係成癮高危險群在父母支持、同儕支持、社會支持總分、同儕網路交友經驗、社會焦慮方面有顯著差異(4)人口特性及社會心理變項對網路人際關係成癮之預測總變異量為30.5%,其中以父母支持度、同儕網路交友情況及社會焦慮較具預測力。With the large amount of progress in computer-based technology, the Internet has become the part of human life. There are some users applied the Internet for the task such as information searching, shopping, entertainment, even for making friends in the Internet. However, the immersion in making friends on the Internet may effects their normal social life dramatically, especially for the adolescent. The research was divided into four stages. First, the attitude and the behaviors of students for making friends on Internet. Second, the background and the characters of mentality for junior high school students. Third, the background and The characters of mentality for junior high school students who are addict to palling friends on the Internet. Fourth, finding the factors that can predict the likelihood of acquaintanceship internet addiction . The main findings of the study are as follows: 1. It was almost 53.5% of junior high school students reported that they used to palling friends on the Internet. 2. Statistical analysis revealed that the acquaintanceship use in internet were shown to differ significantly on the gender, subjects’ social support, experiences of peers, the centripetalism of family, self-esteem, social-anxiety. 3. There were statistically significant relations between acquaintanceship internet addiction to social support, experiences of peers and social-anxiety. In the other words, the stronger was the level of addiction to acquaintanceship use in internet, the stronger were the social support, experiences of peers and the social-anxiety. 4. The related variables explained 30.5% of the variance in parents’ support, experiences of peers, social-anxiety were significant predictors of acquaintanceship use in internet.國中學生自尊狀況人際關係社會焦慮網路人際關係網路成癮網路交友junior high school studentsself-esteemrelationshipsocial-anxietyacquaintanceship in internetinternet addiction台北縣某國中學生網路交友行為及其相關因素之研究