林美娟Lin, Janet高慕珊Kao Mu San2019-08-292006-8-282019-08-292006http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0692080141%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92882本研究以王佩瑜(2003)所建置之國文科線上知識庫為基礎,擴充其學科教學知識相關功能,以便利的上傳與檢索工具、群組機制及非同步互動功能來幫助教師進行教學知識的保存、分享與交流。教學資源知識庫包含教學資源區、教學日誌區、群組專區及考題區等。其中教學資源區提供教案、教材分析表、課堂教學計畫、教學活動設計表、學習單、教具、補充講義、紙筆測驗卷、非紙筆測驗活動、學生作品、教學錄影、教學心得等文件之儲存、查詢與分享功能;教學日誌區則提供教師線上撰寫及保存教學日誌的功能;群組專區提供了教師在群組內進行文件分享及討論;至於考題區則提供了國文科各種題型考題之新增與查詢功能。教師分享及查詢相關的考題。此知識庫系統經國立台灣師範大學「教學實習」課程之任課教師與四十九位同學一學年之試用後,使用者普遍認為本系統之教學資源文件分類清楚、操作功能便捷,有助於教學資源文件上的分享與保存。In this research we developed a pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) sharing system to support a teaching practicum course, which was taken by 49 students being trained to become Chinese Language arts teachers at secondary schools. The system dynamically collects and stores PCK items created by students as the course proceeds through the entire semester. The items include lesson plans, student worksheets, handouts, tests, journals and video clips of students’ teaching practices. These items are structured around an underlying content knowledge. As such, each PCK item is put in a meaningful context for evaluation and discussion. Related functionalities provided by the system include a My Work Area where each student can manage his/her own PCK works, online journals for students to write down reflections on their teaching practices, message boxes associated with PCK items which allow the instructor to give timely feedback to students about each item and classmates to make comments on it, and a discussion forum whose posting are traceable from CK or PCK items. Results from user interviews, a questionnaire survey and observation about users’ on-line behavior all confirm that this system helps the course to function much more effectively.教師知識學科教學知識線上社群知識分享Teacher KnowledgePedagogical Content KnowledgeOnline CommunityKnowledge Shareing國文科知識分享平台之教學知識相關功能開發Development of PCK-related Functionality for a Chinese Language Arts Knowledge-sharing Platform