沈以正李純愉2020-12-102004-9-302020-12-102005http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22N2005000157%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/115661摘 要 台灣交趾陶淵源大陸,早期應用於是廟宇宅邸裝飾,在葉王創新發展成為台灣的特殊藝術,揚名國際,林添林先生發展為生活藝品,而再次顯現風潮。近年來,台灣產業外移,交趾陶地方文化再次成為隱憂,交趾陶產業的起起伏伏最重要的原因就是未能將交趾陶文化與產業結合。本論文分析交趾陶在台灣的發展歷史、交趾陶的表現題材、台灣文化政策的發展、探討地方文化產業的定位,期望能整合深厚的交趾文化基礎及科學等技術,透過經濟行銷手法與其他產業結合,發展地方文化特色,建立可長可久的交趾文化產業。Abstract The Koji Ceramic Art has been ups and downs in Taiwan since it transferred from mainland China; created to a special art for temple’s decorations by Wang Yeh, developed for living arts by Tain-mu Lin, had brought about a brilliant era. Lately, as the low-tech manufacturing business has shifted to mainland China and South-East Asian countries, the Koji Ceramic Art is facing a lurking danger. This assay integrates the deep basis of Koji Ceramic Art and high-tech technology business through marketing skills and jointing with others business to become local cultural business by the methods of analyzing the Koji Ceramic Art developments in Taiwan, the topics of Koji Ceramic Art, the policy of cultural development in Taiwan , and discussing the positioning of local cultural business.交趾陶地方文化產業建築裝飾Koji Ceramic Artlocal cultural businessbuilding decorations台灣交趾陶藝術及其對地方文化產業發展之研究A Study on the Development of Koji Ceramic Art in Taiwan and its Development to the Local Cultural Business