廖邕Liao, Yung林承萓Lin, Cheng-Yi2019-08-282018-07-012019-08-282015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060205009E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/87446公共自行車租賃系統的設置在歐美及亞洲國家越趨普及,隨著臺灣使用公共自行車人數的日益增加,對於公共自行車的使用族群、影響因素及使用公共自行車的健康效益之探討有其必要性,本研究利用「行為流行病學架構」,擬定之研究目的為 (1) 瞭解公共自行車使用行為與健康指標之關聯性。(2) 調查公共自行使用行為與個人背景因素之關聯性。(3) 分析公共自行車使用行為與認知環境之關聯性。 本研究針對臺灣地區設有公共自行車租賃系統達三年以上的臺北市、新北市及高雄市,利用分層隨機抽樣進行電話訪問調查,回收之有效樣本為444位成年人,資料以IBM SPSS 22.0進行分析,統計方法包括描述性統計、二元邏輯斯迴歸及曼-惠特尼U考驗。 研究結果發現 (1) 公共自行車使用與身體活動量呈正相關,每週使用公共自行車1次以上者較可能達到每週150分鐘通勤之身體活動量。 (2) 年齡較高者 (50-64歲)、居住在新北市及高雄市者、教育程度較低者 (高中以下),較不容易使用過公共自行車;退休或無全職工作者及學生較容易在過去七天使用公共自行車達1次以上。 (3) 受訪者認知到「大眾運輸的易達性高」、「設置有人行道」、「設置有自行車道」、「良好的周遭景觀」等環境因素為較容易使用過公共自行車。 本研究之結果可提供公部門規劃及推動公共自行車相關政策之參考。由於自2015年費率調整及各縣市公共自行車設置的增加,建議未來研究針對費率部分及其他縣市進行討論比較。Public bicycle sharing system has been implemented in U.S, Europe, and Asian countries. The populations of public bicycle use is increasing in Taiwan, thus it is crucial to have a better understanding on the use/frequency of public bicycle and how its association with health indicators, personal factors as well as environmental factors. Based on behavioral epidemiology framework, there are three purposes of this research. (1) To examine the link between health indicators and public bicycle behavior. (2) To identify the personal factors associated with the public bicycle behavior. (3) To examine the perceived environmental factors associated with public bicycle behavior. A telephone-based survey was conducted to the cities that implemented public bicycle sharing system over three years in Taiwan including Taipei, Taipei New City and Kaohsiung. The final respondents were 444 adults. Descriptive statistics, binary logistic regression and Mann Whitney-U test are performed using IBM SPSS 22.0. The results show that (1) Using public bicycle was positively associated with physical activity. Adults who used public bicycle more than 1 time in past 7 days were more likely to achieve 150 minutes of transport physical activity per week. (2) Adults who aged 50-64 years, lived in New Taipei, Kaohsiung City and had lower educational degree were less likely to have used public bicycle. Furthermore, adults who were not-employed and student were more likely to use public bicycle in past 7 days. (3) Adults who perceived good access to public transport, presence of sidewalks, presence of bike lines and good aesthetics were more likely to have used public bicycle. The results of this study might provide preliminary evidence to the policy makers or intervention designers for promoting the use of public bicycle. Due to the adjustment of charge policy and the increasing implementation of pubic bicycle sharing system in other counties, future studies on this issue are warranted.公共自行車使用行為身體活動行為流行病學架構認知環境Use of Public BicyclePhysical ActivityBehavioral Epidemiology FrameworkPerceived Environment以行為流行病學架構探討臺灣成年人公共自行車使用行為Use of Public Bicycle in Taiwanese Adults Based on Behavioral Epidemiology Framework