張鑑如劉惠美Chien-Ju ChangHuei-Mei Liu2014-10-272014-10-272011-11-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/11185親子共讀被視為可促進兒童語文能力發展的一項重要家庭活動,是國內外學者關注的研究議題。本文採文獻回顧方式,以整理國外親子共讀研究文獻為基礎,再回顧國內相關期刊論文共十八篇,並提出未來研究之展望與建議。國內所回顧之論文發表時間為2000 年至2011 年,主要結果顯示(1)兒童閱讀態度與家長閱讀習慣、教育程度和職業等因素有關(2)親子共讀互動方式多以家長為主導,但有個別差異且因幼兒年齡而不同(3)適切的親子共讀活動可增進兒童語言能力、專注力、情緒理解等能力。未來研究建議增加實驗介入和縱貫期設計之研究,並(1)深入探討不同年齡和背景家庭家長親子共讀信念和方式(2)釐清親子共讀經驗對幼兒語言和閱讀相關能力之影響(3)檢驗國內親子共讀介入方案之成效。Joint book reading has been regarded as an important family activity that facilitates language and literacy development in children. This paper reviews previous research on joint book reading in foreign countries and Taiwan and provides suggestions for future research. Eighteen journal articles published from 2000 to 2011 were included for the review. Three main findings of these studies were obtained (a) a child’s reading attitude was related to the reading habits, educational levels and occupations of his/her parents, (b) individual differences in parent-child interaction patterns during joint book reading were evident and these patterns varied across the age of the children, and (c) joint book reading practices at home facilitated children’s language ability. Studies with experimental and longitudinal design were recommended for future research. Issues such as effects of joint book reading experiences and intervention programs on children’s language and reading development, parental beliefs in shared book reading and joint book reading practices across families with different socio-cultural backgrounds were also suggested to be examined in the future.文獻回顧閱讀親子共讀literature reviewparent child book readingreading親子共讀研究文獻回顧與展望Literature Review of Research on Parent-Child Joint Book Reading in Taiwan