陳慧玲Chen, Huei-ling黃婉㚬Huang, Wan-Chun2019-09-032019-12-312019-09-032019http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0106590158%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/95028國際財務報導準則第15號公報於2018年1月1日正式適用,該公報規定,無論銷售商品、提供勞務抑或工程建造均以五個步驟檢視與客戶簽訂合約,以決定收入認列的時點與金額。因此,第15號公報會直接影響營建業認列收入金額與認列時點,進而影響企業經營績效。本研究以一家營建工程公司做為個案分析對象,檢視採用國際財務準則第15號公報對財務報表表達及財務比率之可能影響。 根據模擬結果顯示,對於當年度完工營建工程,採行第15號公報對營建業可能之影響為:(1)無論採用投入法或產出法,對於損益不會有重大差異;(2)採用投入法不會有當期虧損或淨利變化過大之情形;(3)採用產出法,需有專業能力判斷各期完工比例,主觀的判斷容易造成每期收入認列的偏差。模擬結果亦顯示,在跨年度工程部分,適用投入法較能允當表達損益。此外,本研究結果顯示,在資產負債表部分,認列收入時,若尚未收到工程款,需根據是否有無條件收取對價之權利,將未收款項區分為合約資產及應收帳款,預收工程款帳則列流動負債項下之合約負債。International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) No. 15 was applied to an annual reporting periods starting from January 1, 2018 onwards. The core principle of IFRS is that an entity recognizes revenues by applying a five-step model framework in a contract with a customer when the entity sells goods, provides services, or completes construction services. Thus, application of IFRS 15 will affect the timing and amount of revenue recognition and further financial performance for construction industry. The objective of this study is to investigate how IFRS 15 affects financial statements and financial ratios of the construction industry using an engineering management company as a case study. According to the simulation results for the construction projects completed within one year, the possible impact of IFRS 15 on the constructions include: (1) there are no significant differences between the input method and the output method; (2) profits or losses on each period do not fluctuate widely using the input method; (3) the case company is required to estimate the amount of outputs needed to satisfy the contract. Subjective judgements are likely to have results in various financial performance. The simulation results also indicate that for the construction projects completed more than one year, it is more appropriately reflect profits earned by the case company by using the input method. In addition, this study indicates that contract asset is recognized when revenue is recognized but the payment is conditional not only on the passage of time. On the other hand, trade receivables represent an unconditional right to receive payment. Contract liability is recognized as current liability when a payment for the customer has already received before a related performance obligation is satisfied.國際財務準則第15號公報營建業投入法產出法IFRS15Construction industryInput methodOutput method國際財務報導準則對營建公司影響之探究-以B公司為例Exploring the Effects of International Financial Reporting Standard on Engineering Management Company: The Case Study of B Company