邱銘心Chiu, Ming-Hsin吳柏瑩Wu, Po-Ying2019-08-282018-02-212019-08-282018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060315009E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89026路跑運動是目前民眾最常從事的休閒運動,為深度休閒活動的一種,其中女性路跑人口亦逐漸成長是值得注意之趨勢,但國內對休閒資訊行為的相關研究仍屬少數。研究採質性研究方法,以半結構式訪談進行資料蒐集,探討女性路跑運動參與者在參與路跑運動的過程中的可能產生的資訊需求、資訊尋求管道、資訊尋求過程中的困難及解決方式和資訊使用行為。 本研究對12位女性路跑運動參與者進行訪談。研究發現,女性路跑運動參與者的資訊需求有路跑知識資訊、運動傷害與預防資訊、賽事資訊、路跑裝備資訊、練習場地資訊、經驗心得資訊等六種。其資訊尋求管道有網際網路、人際網絡、路跑課程或講座及書籍。女性路跑運動參與者資訊尋求過程中遭遇的困難有檢索結果不精確、資訊深度不足、無法尋獲資訊、無法判斷資訊正確性,以大量閱讀或尋求其他管道的方式解決資訊尋求過程中的困難。對資訊的使用行為有身體實踐、資訊分享行為及擬定訓練計畫,並以資訊權威性、資訊多方確認及自身的經驗或知識來辨識資訊的正確性,選擇所需的資訊。 本研究對女性路跑運動參與者之資訊需求與資訊行為的結論:資訊需求著重於路跑知識資訊的獲取、網際網路為主要的資訊尋求管道、資訊尋求管道的選擇受資訊和個人方面因素影響、資訊尋求過程遭遇困難時,以大量閱讀或尋求其他管道來解決、資訊的使用以身體實踐為主、以資訊權威性、資訊多方確認及自身的經驗或知識來辨識資訊的正確性、女性路跑運動參與者具有深度休閒特質、路跑深度休閒的資訊行為著重於路跑知識、技能與經驗的獲取。最後依據研究結果對女性路跑運動參與者、資訊提供者、推廣女性路跑運動方面提出實務建議,並建議未來研究可以特定路跑社群為研究對象或以量化方式進行研究。Road running is now the leisure exercise that people often do and it is a type of serious leisure. It is noteworthy that the female road running population is gradually growing, but studies on leisure information behavior are scarce. This study applies qualitative research method and uses semi-structured interview for data collection to explore the possible information needs, information seeking channel, the challenges and solutions when seeking information, and information use behavior of female road runners. This study had taken interviews with 12 female road runners. From the study, it is found that the information needs of female road running participant include the information on running knowledge, sports injury and prevention, running event, running equipment, practice field, and experience sharing. Their channels of information seeking include internet, people networking, running course or seminar and books. The difficulties that female road running participants may encounter during their information seeking are imprecise retrieval results, information lacking depth, not being able to get the information, and not able to ensure the correctness of the information. Their resolution to fix any of the above-mentioned problems is to read more or seek information via another channel. Their information use behaviors include physical practice, information sharing and developing training program. In addition, they will identify the correctness of information and selected the required information by the authoritativeness of information, multiple source validation, and check against self’s experience. Conclusions for the study of the information needs and information use behavior of female road running participants: the information needs is mainly to acquire running knowledge, and internet is the major channel to seek information. Their choosing of information seeking channel is affected by the information and personal factors. When they encounter difficulties during information seeking, they would read a lot or consult another source to solve the problems. Their information use behavior is mainly physical practice, and they would evaluate the correctness of information and select the required information by the authoritativeness of information. Other strategies of evaluating information quality include multiple source validation, and check against self’s experience. Female road runners shows the quality of serious leisure, and their information behavior is primarily to acquire running knowledge, skill and expericence. Finally, this study has practical recommendations on female road runners, information provider, and promoting female road running. It is also suggested that the future study may aim at other specific road runner group as the study subject or use quantitative method for further research.路跑運動深度休閒資訊需求資訊行為Road RunningSerious LeisureInformation NeedsInformation Behavior女性路跑運動參與者的資訊需求與資訊行為研究An Investigation of Female Road Runners’ Information Needs and Information Behavior