國立臺灣師範大學健康促進與衛生教育學系唐孝蘭  林建輝  曾治乾 黃禎貞  莊博閔  葉國樑 2014-12-022014-12-022010-12-011561-8137http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/40540本研究目的在探討高中學生環境永續發展行為及其相關因素,以自編結構式問卷為工具,立意取樣台北市某所公立高中學生為研究對象,有效問卷328份。重要研究結果如下:一、研究對象之環境永續發展知識尚佳,環境永續發展態度得分偏正向,社會人口學變項並未造成環境永續發展知識和態度上的差異。二、環境永續發展價值觀得分達中上,「性別」在各層面的環境永續發展價值觀呈現顯著差異。三、環境永續發展技能得分偏中等程度,「性別」在環境永續發展技能方面呈現顯著差異。四、環境永續發展態度、環境永續發展價值觀、環境永續發展技能與永續發展行為意圖間呈現顯著正相關。五、研究對象之環境永續發展態度、環境永續發展價值觀、環境永續發展技能等預測變項對環境永續發展行為意圖具有顯著的預測力,其解釋力為44.1%。最後依據研究結果進行討論,分別針對環境永續發展教育實務應用及未來研究提供建議。The purposes of this study were to investigate both the status of the behavioral intension of environmental sustainable development and the influential factors toward the behavior intension on senior high students in Taipei city. The subjects were sampled from a public senior high school in Taipei city using self-designed questionnaires for survey. A total of 328 effective samples were collected. Main results of this study were list as follows: 1. The subjects had good scores on knowledge and attitude of environmental sustainable development. There were no significantly differences between knowledge and attitude of environmental sustainable development on the social demography factors. 2. The subjects got a middle strong score on values of environmental sustainable development. Results showed significantly differences in genders on values of environmental sustainable development. 3. The subjects got a middle score on the skills of environmental sustainable development. There were significantly differences in genders on skills of environmental sustainable development. 4. Positive correlations among the attitude, values, skills, and behavioral intension of environmental sustainable development were shown in the results. 5. Attitude, values, and skills of environmental sustainable development could significantly predict behavioral intension of sustainable development. The explanation power was 44.1%. Based on the results this study, suggestions were provided for further studies and applications on education of environmental sustainable development.環境永續發展行為意圖  環境永續發展技能  高中學生Behavioral intension of Environmental sustainable development�enior high students�kills of environmental sustainable development臺北市某高中學生環境永續發展行為意圖及其相關因素The Study of Behavioral Intension of Environmental Sustainable Development and Its Influential Factors for Senior High Students of One School in Taipei City�