楊忠斌Chung-Ping Yang2014-10-272014-10-272013-09-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/13108本文主要在探討Lucian Freud 作品的內涵,並論述其對生命教育之啟示。Freud 是英國著名的藝術家,繪畫主題偏愛肖像與裸體,而有「裸體畫家」的稱號。古典裸體畫呈現的是唯美的身體,是美化後的身體, Freud 則表現了有些醜陋、卻真實自然的身體。Freud 的畫也顯現了對人深層心理的探索,反映出人的內心生活世界,而不只是表面的美感。Freud 不要人們注意其作品中的色彩,而要去關注「生命的色彩」 他的畫顯現了多元的生命意義。我們應讓學生學會反思、尊重與接納身體與生命的各種表現與價值。本文根據Freud 作品所呈現的內涵,對生命教育提出了三點啟示:1.教導學生觀照與探索自己的身體特徵; 2. 反思被媒體規訓的身體迷思,探索多元的生命故事; 3. 運用呈現醜陋身體之類的繪畫,解消校園霸凌問題。This paper investigates Lucian Freud's paintings and its implications for life education. Freud was a famous British artist, and known as the "nude painter" for his rich works of portraits and nudes. Classical nude paintings presented an idealized beautiful body, Freud showed ugly but "true" natural body instead. Freud aims to explore and express deep psychology and inner world of human, not just their beautiful appearance. Freud asks people not to concentrate on colors but "colors of life" in his works. Freud's paintings disclosure diverse meanings of life. We should lead students to learn to reflect, respect and accept different presentations of body and life. According to meanings of Freud's works, this paper indicates three implications for life education: 1. to teach students to contemplate and explore their own physical characteristics. 2. To reflect the media's discipline on body and inquire diverse life stories. 3. To use teaching of the ugly body painting to decrease problems of bullying at school.Lucian Freud裸體身體美學生命教育Lucian Freudnudebody aestheticlife educationLucian Freud 作品中的身體美學及其在生命教育上的意涵Body Aesthetic in Lucian Freud's Work and Its Implications for Life Education