林逢祺Lin, Ferng-Chyi陳曜章Chen, Yao-Chang2019-08-282017-02-082019-08-282017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060200032E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89649  本研究旨在探討美國教育哲學家諾丁斯(Nel Noddings)的幸福觀,透過哲學詮釋學與概念分析中的日常語言分析方法,先了解其生平、思想背景、時代背景,再探討其著作中的幸福觀點,接著透過日常語言分析,找出幸福概念在臺灣社會的核心用法、邊陲用法及預設,最後將分析結果與諾丁斯的幸福觀對話,提出符合臺灣社會脈絡的教育蘊義。據此,本研究的目的有三: 一、探討諾丁斯的幸福觀。 二、分析幸福的日常語言。 三、衍釋諾丁斯幸福觀的教育蘊義。   諾丁斯的幸福觀承繼其關懷倫理學思想,認為幸福因人而異,但必定涉及客觀環境的滿足、主觀情緒的肯定及道德理想的實踐,其中道德係指建立關懷關係。本研究亦透過日常語言分析,提出幸福的核心用法為:美好的愛情伴侶、圓滿的家庭生活、充分的自我實現,而邊陲用法則與快樂等情緒字眼相等,另核心用法的預設為正義與自由的社會。最後本研究也分從人際關係、課程教學、校園營造三方面,以諾丁斯的幸福教育觀提出省思。This study explores the aspects of happiness in Nel Noddings’ works and their implications for education through a hermeneutical lens. First, it analyzes the life of Noddings and contexts from which her main theories were elicited. Then it utilizes an analytical approach based on ordinary language philosophy to understand Noddings’ theory of happiness. Lastly, this study tries to identify the core usages, border usages, and the presumptions of the concept of happiness used in Taiwan. The main objectives of this study are: 1.To discuss Noddings’ perspectives on happiness. 2.To analyze the concept of “happiness”. 3.To explore the implications of Noddings’ perspectives on happiness in education in Taiwan. Noddings’ theory of happiness is originated from her theory of caring. She points out that the definition of happiness differs from person to person; however, it usually involves the satisfaction gained from objective environments, reaffirmation from people’s subjective emotions, and their moral practice. This study indicates that, in Taiwan, the core usages of happiness could be related to romantic relationship, family life, and self-realization; the border usages are found to be comparable to expressions that represent happiness or moods that carry similar emotions; the presumption of the core usages of happiness is a just and liberal society. Noddings’ theory of happiness also leads this study to reflect on interpersonal relationship, curriculum and instruction, and the environmental arrangements in the educational environments of Taiwan.諾丁斯關懷倫理學幸福觀Noddingsethics of careperspectives on happiness諾丁斯(Nel Noddings)的幸福觀及其教育蘊義Nel Noddings’ Perspectives on Happiness and Its Implications for Education