楊國賜陳雪雲Yang, Kuo-ShihChen, Sheue Yun陳鈺艷Chen, Yu-Yen2019-08-292018-8-262019-08-292013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0895020059%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92525本研究探究世界公民意涵在歷史發展脈絡下的轉折,分析世界公民的重要內涵並說明世界公民內涵落實在成人教育的途徑與策略。首先透過文獻探討、藉由多重詮釋分析相關經典文本,歸納世界主義和世界公民重要概念,再進行分析比較。此外,收集公民身分和世界公民能力相關文獻,作為世界公民教育評析之依據。 研究結果將世界公民歸納為政治道德和倫理取向,並建立在能力之上。世界公民意涵對我國成人教育的啟示為:與政治道德取向的世界公民意涵相符應的是理性人文取向的成人教育,目標為透過學習社會與全人教育培育自我完善和理性公民。而政治實踐取向的批判成人教育目的則在解放人性。 研究者反思理性取向的成人教育,提出倫理取向的成人教育內涵:對他人負責的教育實踐內涵為非正式關係中生成世界性,感同身受包容他異性,及教育者的倫理責任是學習回應的能力和愛的智慧。 在反思台灣相關的成人教育政策與成人公民教育方面,對終身學習政策內涵進行檢討,主張在成人教育領域中納入世界公民教育,增加世界公民能力的倫理層面。 最後,本研究提出下列建議:將世界公民教育納入成人教育政策,以「學習共同生活」和「學習生存」作為主軸;成人教育作為溝通了解他者的平台;發展與世界公民的相關學習理論;成人教育增加責任倫理層面;反思中華文化的世界公民觀並開啟後續研究,可從儒家文化與宗教層面著手。 關鍵字:世界主義、世界公民權利、他者倫理、世界公民能力、世界公民教育。Abstract The purpose of this research is to analyze historical context of cosmopolitanism and cosmopolitan research, and its implications for adult education in Taiwan. At first, the study reviews the literature of classical cosmopolitanism. I collect the related issue of the citizenship, cosmopolitan citizenship and cosmopolitan competences The research results are showed as following: cosmopolitan content can divide in political-moral approach and ethical approach, based on competences. The cosmopolitan content of political-moral approach corresponds to the humanistic approach of adult education. It aims to self-improvement and reasonable citizen through Learning society and holistic education. Critical adult education in political-practices approach aims to emancipate the humanity. I reflect on the traditional cosmopolitan thoughts and suggest that adult education should turn to the ethical approach, such as constructing the worldliness in relationships, being empathic and tolerant to the alterity. The responsibility of educators is to communicate the ability to respond and the wisdom of love. According to the analysis of adult education policy, one finds that such education policy has limited effect in supporting adult to live in socially heterogeneous group. Therefore I suggest: (1) As the aims of the social education, policy of adult education should enlarged from the nation-state frame to the worldliness. (2) For cultivating the adult competence, the policy of adult education focuses on practice in the public sphere. (3) Strengthen the worldliness and the unconditional responsibility. (4) In the related planning programs, the objects are adults and the threshold level core competences. (5) focuses on the political and ethical dimension, facing the humanity and the education of alterity I think the community college and the Internet can be the interconnections board to cultivate cosmopolitan.Finally, I offer recommendations in the following respects, including: cosmopolitan education in the policy of adult education: learn to live together and learn to be as the goals; adult education as the board to communicate and understand the other; developing the cosmoplitan learning theories; concern the responsibility-ethical dimension in adult education; reflect on the Chinese cosmopolitan content and follow-up research. Keywords:cosmopolitanism, cosmopolitan right, ethics of the other, cosmopolitan competence, cosmopolitan education.世界主義世界公民權利他者倫理世界公民能力世界公民教育cosmopolitanismcosmopolitan rightethics of the othercosmopolitan competencecosmopolitan education世界公民意涵及其對我國成人教育之啟示Cosmopolitan Content and its Implications for Adult Education in Taiwan