吳奕慧I-Huei Wu王威琮Wei-Tsung Wang2019-09-03不公開2019-09-032013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN060056010O%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/94534網際網路廣告暨媒體產業在臺灣發展已經有十年以上的光陰,在這十年當中由於產業的快速成長、相關技術不斷推陳出新、網路普及率以及寬頻用戶的大幅增加,不斷的改變網際網路廣告及媒體產業的運作方式,特別是網路廣告的格式,由十年前的簡單的Gif動態圖檔格式開始,不斷的進步到Rich Media豐富媒體、Flash並且已經到了寬頻影音多媒體的網路廣告時代。另一方面搜尋行銷、關鍵字廣告等以成效為計價方式的廣告模式更在短時間內席捲全球。隨著資訊爆炸時代來臨,每天來自世界各地的巨量資訊,源源不絕地透過網際網路傳播、散佈,這也提升網路廣告曝露與被瀏覽或點選的機會,進而影響網路廣告的效果和商機。因為網路的多媒體性、即時性、互動性等等特質,許多與傳統形式不同的新型態廣告形式便應運而生。其中,關鍵字廣告自2004 年Yahoo!奇摩首次推出關鍵字廣告服務至2012年已邁入第8年,從最初的陌生排斥到現在的了解及運用,關鍵字廣告的重要性將隨著市場規模的擴張與日俱增,這中間也成功幫助許多企業吸引更多顧客及業績的成長。 本研究主要是以賽局理論模型探討獨占市場及雙占市場中廠商的關鍵字廣告決策及定價策略。其中發現消費者的願付價格,以及消費者的結構都對於廠商最適關鍵字廣告選擇策略以及定價策略產生影響。藉由分析模型,本研究發現以下之重要結果: 1. 在關鍵字廣告吸引的新游移顧客數量並非極大的情況下,廠商的定價策略,會因消費者願付價格的高低及關鍵字廣告決策而有所變化 2. 當關鍵字廣告出現,廠商皆會有誘因執行關鍵字廣告,但廠商為避免兩個廣告互相干擾導致說服效果下降,獨占廠商有僅針對一項產品執行關鍵字廣告,另一項產品不做關鍵字廣告的情況發生,而雙占市場中也可能發生僅一家廠商執行關鍵字廣告的情形。 3. 關鍵字廣告吸引的新游移顧客數量並非極大的情況下,關鍵字廣告的出現會改變廠商現有的消費者結構,進而影響廠商的定價策略,並能夠有效減緩服務提供廠商間的價格競爭。Taiwan’s internet advertising industry had been in the market for over a decade. During the years, the industry experienced continual changes brought about by its expanding scales, advancing technologies, widespread network access, and an increasing number of broadband-network users. In particular, internet advertising formats had evolved from Gif animations to Rich Media formats and further to state-of-the-art broadband, multi-media, online commercials. Pay per click (PPC) models, such as search marketing and keyword advertising, gained popularity very quickly as well.With the coming of the age of information explosion, the massive amount of information from around the world has spread through the world by the Internet every day. It also increased the opportunity of the internet advertising being browsed or clicked, and affected the opportunities and effect of internet advertising. Many new types of advertising different from traditional forms appeared because of the interactive of internet. Since Yahoo! released Keyword Advertising services in 2004, Keyword Advertising has existed eighth year. The importance of Keyword Advertising increased with the expansion of market scale, and it also successfully helped many companies to attract more customers and growth performance. The study is based on game theory model to explore Keyword Advertising strategies and pricing strategies of the firms in the monopoly market and the duopoly market. The study found the price consumers are willing to pay and the structure of the consumer will impact Keyword Advertising strategies and pricing strategies of the firms. By analyzing the model, the study found the following results: 1. When the number of new wandering customers being attracted by Keyword advertising is not great, the pricing strategies of the firms will be impacted by the price consumers are willing to pay and firm’s Keyword Advertising strategies. 2. After Keyword Advertising appeared, the firms will be incentives to perform Keyword Advertising. However, in order to avoid the interference between two Keyword Advertisings, the firm in the monopoly market may perform Keyword Advertising only for one product. And it's possible that only one firm perform Keyword Advertising in a duopoly market. 3. When the number of new wandering customers being attracted by Keyword advertising is not great, Keyword advertising will effectively reduce the price competition among firms.賽局理論關鍵字廣告價格折扣競合關係Game theoryKeyword AdvertisingPrice discountsCo-opetition relationship關鍵字廣告的出現對廠商定價策略與競合關係之影響The Impacts of the Keywords Advertising on Firms’ Pricing Strategies and the Co-opetition Relationship