何英奇張臻萍2019-08-282010-08-012019-08-282010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0595012118%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90794本研究旨在探究國中輔導教師與導師之溝通及衝突經驗,了解阻礙國中輔導教師與導師溝通的內涵,探討兩者在溝通中發生之衝突的內涵及歷程及影響兩者溝通與衝突的因素。本研究利用深度訪談法訪問3位國中輔導教師及2位國中導師,運用質化研究方法進行資料分析,研究結果如下: 一、 阻礙輔導教師與導師的溝通之內涵如下: (一)輔導教師與導師角色立場不同。 (二)輔導教師與導師之風格、特質與價值觀不同。 (三)導師比輔導教師角色地位高。 (四)導師與輔導教師在爭取學生認同上產生相互較勁的心理。 (五)輔導教師與導師對對方角色的期待落空。 (六)導師不了解輔導室功能及輔導助人歷程。 (七)未滿足對方希望被尊重、認同與信任的需求。 (八)輔導教師未有導師經驗,難以同理其角色。 二、國中輔導教師與導師衝突經驗之內涵及歷程 衝突發生前已存在阻礙溝通的潛在因子,這些因子會增加衝突發生的可能。衝突發生原因為雙方對事件看法不同、缺乏溝通、對事情的解讀不一產生誤會,當雙方遇上引發衝突的關鍵導火線事件便產生衝突。衝突會衝擊到當事人的內在期待被尊重、被認同、被信任的需求。在衝突發生過程中當事人會依自己的特質、態度、情緒管理能力,產生因應衝突之行動,因應方式不同會產生不同的結果。 三、在輔導教師與導師角色溝通之關係上,表面上對事件的溝通,但實際上是輔導諮商專業角色與班級經營角色兩者的角色溝通才是真正的核心溝通問題。 四、影響國中輔導教師與導師溝通及衝突的因素為: (一)輔導教師之養成及專業訓練不足。 (二)導師對輔導工作的迷思以及輔導知能不足。 (三)學校行政單位主管的專業與溝通協調能力,是促使校園工作氣氛和諧的重要因素。 (四)校內辦理「溝通與衝突管理」之研習主題明顯不足,缺乏對教師溝通能力的訓練。 五、輔導教師、導師、學生之溝通三角關係不適切會影響輔導成效。 因輔導教師、導師之間的溝通互動,牽涉學生的角色,所以輔導教師、導師、學生存在溝通的三角關係模式。輔導教師和學生的關係適切、緊密或疏離,會影響輔導教師與導師的溝通關係,最好的型是與學生關係適切的溝通三角關係模式。本研究提出理想的溝通三角關係模式是輔導教師與導師兩者共同努力,使得師生三者凝聚力更強,將達到最好的溝通狀態。而學校在校長及輔導主任的努力下,能建立重視輔導工作的校園氛圍,更能促進輔導教師、學生、導師溝通的三贏。 最後,依據本研究之結果,對學校單位及教育單位提出建議供參考。 關鍵詞:國中輔導教師、國中導師、溝通、衝突This research is to investigate the communicative and conflict experiences between junior high school guidance teachers and homeroom teachers, the context of their communicative barriers and disagreements, the context and the progression of conflict experiences, and the causes which influence their communication and conflicts. In this research, in-depth interview method is applied on three junior high school guidance teachers and two homeroom teachers, while qualitative research methods are adopted to subsequent data analysis. The results are as follows. Firstly, communicative barriers between junior high school guidance teachers and homeroom teachers can be listed as follows. 1. Guidance teachers and homeroom teachers have different standpoints. 2. Guidance teachers and homeroom teachers have dissimilar styles, personalities, and value points. 3. Homeroom teachers rank higher than guidance teachers. 4. Homeroom teachers and guidance teachers compete for students’ recognition psychologically. 5. Guidance teachers and homeroom teachers fail to satisfy the other side’s expectation as a guidance teacher /homeroom teacher. 6. Homeroom teachers are unfamiliar with the function of counseling room and the process how counseling help students. 7. Their needs to be respected, recognized, and trusted fail to be satisfied. 8. Guidance teachers can hardly empathize homeroom teachers since they have never been in the homeroom teacher’s position. The second part is on the context and the progression of conflict experiences between guidance teachers and homeroom teachers. When certain communicative obstacle lurking, conflicts are more likely to happen. The causes of conflicts can be their different value points, the lack of communication, and the different interpretations toward things. The conflicts are triggered when hitting the fuse. The conflict would attack their inner needs for being respected, being understood, and being trusted. In conflicts, they respond according to their own characteristics, attitudes, and emotion controls; different responses may lead to different subsequences. Third, outwardly guidance teachers and homeroom teachers communicate on events; however in reality, the key issue is that they communicate as professional counselors and classroom managers. Fourth, the causes which influence the communication and conflicts can be conclude as follows. 1. The education and professional training of guidance teachers are insufficient. 2. Homeroom teachers misunderstand a students’ counselor’s work context; they do not have sufficient knowledge on student counseling. 3. The professional competency and communicative capacity of school administrative executives are important factors for promoting harmonious school atmosphere. 4. Schools organize insufficient educational courses on Communication and Conflict Management; the training on teachers’ communicative ability is insufficient. Fifth, inappropriate communicative triangularity would affect the effects of counseling. The interaction between guidance teachers and homeroom teachers may affect the students; therefore, triangularity exists within the guidance teachers, homeroom teachers, and the students. The communicative relationship between guidance teachers and homeroom teachers can be affected when the relationship between guidance teachers and students are appropriate, close, or remote. The best shape of the communicative triangularity is when the relationship between guidance teachers and students are appropriate. This research suggests that the ideal communicative triangularity takes the efforts of both guidance teachers and homeroom teachers. The three parties would have best communicate when they are connected. Under the endeavors of the principals and the guidance officer on student counseling, all the three parties would benefit. Finally, according to the research results, suggestions are proposed to schools and educational system concerned as references. Keywords:communication, conflict, junior high school guidance teacher, junior high school homeroom teacher國中輔導教師國中導師溝通衝突國中輔導教師與導師之溝通與衝突經驗的探究The Study on the Communication and Conflict Experiences between Junior High School Guidance Teachers and Homeroom Teachers.