卯靜儒Mao, Chin-Ju郭佳欣Kuo, Chia-Hsin2019-08-292022-08-282019-08-292018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060303010E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92587本研究透過訪談兩位性傾向認同為同志的國小正式教師,以詮釋現象學作為分析逐字稿的取徑,旨於進入國小同志教師的成師經歷,以瞭解國小同志教師一路從過去修習師資職前教育歷程、實習經歷直到進入國小教學職場成為第一線教師,實際任教後至今之置身所在與主體生成之形貌。以其在成師之路上的性別經驗作為切入點,探究國小同志教師主體在成師之旅過程中與周遭環境人事物的相涉關係,以及對此經驗世界的感知、理解與行動,甚者,其在過程中所逐漸形構出的主體形貌。 本研究發現我國性別平等氛圍確實走向多元趨勢,主流的性別論述尚由異性戀思維所佔據,在這波潮流裡,政策試圖為同志教師擬劃出保護性網路,卻因主體於置身所在的感知與理解而有差異性形貌。國小環境對同志教師而言具有特殊性,學生態度和教師權威即為主要關鍵。而同志教師主體會進行自我分裂與操演,並非先驗的存在,會隨情境重新定位,相較於同志角色,同志教師多以教師角色作為主要視框,側重於教師專業之描繪。成師之旅當中,階層關係之下的權力循環以及父權結構隨之現形;最後,國小同志教師為與環境達成平衡,顯現了主體對存有(being)的企求與行動。 關鍵字:國小教師、同志、同志教師、成師、詮釋現象學Interviewing two elementary school teachers who consider themselves as the members of LGBTQ. I studied their experiences of becoming an elementary school teacher, by adopting hermeneutical phenomenology as a method. Based on the data gathered in the interviews, the author interprets and analyzd their experiences. Subsequently, their experiences can be conclueded into few major viewpoints. First of all, the atmostphere of gender equality within our country certainly become multivariant, nevertheless, heterosexuality may still be the dominant discourse by now. Keeping pace with the tide, the policy correlated with gender equality attempt to build up a network of pretection for LGBTQ teachers, yet it may bring out different concequences on account of the interpretation by the individuals. On the other hand, the particularity of elementary school is based on the manner of elementary school students, and the authoritativeness of the teachers. Furthermore, being an LGBTQ teacher does not be assimilated to a transcendent exsistence, it may be re-located by various contexts. Besides, LGBTQ teachers inclined to utilize the point of view of being a teacher and emphasize the professionalism instead of being LGBTQ identity. Additionally, the power of ranking and the structure of Patriarchy show up along with their interpretation of becoming a teacher. Eventually, LGBTQ elementary school teachers continued to make the balance between the environments, it certainly manifest the desire and movement of searching the being. Keywords: elementary school teacher, LGBTQ, LGBTQ teacher, Hermeneutical Phenomenology, becoming teacher國小教師同志同志教師成師詮釋現象學elementary school teacherLGBTQLGBTQ teacherHermeneutical Phenomenologybecoming a teacher國小同志教師的成師之旅—詮釋現象學觀點之探究A Hermeneutical Phenomenology Study of LGBTQ Elementary School Teacher becoming a teacher