國立臺灣師範大學體育學系程紹同2016-08-042016-08-042013-06-011027-5010http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/79746作者以未來學家Morrison(1996)提出的「第二曲線」理論,倡議體育運動的永續成長,也需要有迎合新世紀需求而發展出運動產業人才培育的「第二曲線」,以符合現代社會對體育運動之殷求,進而促進人民的全面發展,達到民生的目的。其中運動行銷為運動產業發展的魔法師,不僅已成為現代體育運動專業人才進入公私職場的必備條件,更是維繫其生存勝負不可或缺的競爭力,為推動現代體育運動基業長青的動力引擎。 隨著新經濟時代下的亞洲運動行銷商機來臨,臺灣需要有迎合全球市場需求的戰略思維,建議參考韓國運動產業專業人才培育計畫,培育出符合亞洲甚至於全球運動產業市場行銷需求的專業人才。作者提出亞洲運動產業專業能力的六大指標包括:一、工作態度;二、溝通能力;三、管理能力;四、創造能力;五、專業知識;六、專業技巧等。其中「專業知識」指標,以「運動行銷相關知能」最為亞洲四國運動產業界所重視,認為是進入運動職場服務必備的基本條件。最後,作者以產官學界之角度,探討國際運動行銷人才養成之課程與教學方式,輔以國際知名運動品牌耐基(NIKE)臺灣區總經理及平實行銷(Peace Marketing)總經理之業界觀點,完成國際運動行銷人才培育之論點,藉此強調國際體育運動(行銷)人才培育為國際時勢所趨,並期盼政府相關單位能夠積極落實人才培育之政策,讓體育運動為全民帶來福祉。The author advocates the sustainable growth of sports based on the Second Curve theory proposed by futurist Ian Morrison (1996). This theory outlines stipulations of the new century pertaining to sports industry talents so as to fulfill the dire need of modern society's demand for sports. Sustainable growth will cater to the overall development of the people and enhance people's livelihood. In particular, sports marketing is deemed as the wizard of sports industry development, and is an essential requirement of modern sports professionals as they serve in public or private sectors. Furthermore, it's an indispensable competitive force that determines success or failure, and the perpetual motion engine that propels the foundation of modern sports industry. With the advent of sports marketing opportunities in Asia under the modern economy, Taiwan urgently requires strategic thinking to respond to the growing global market demands. It is suggested that we consider the professional talent development program of South Korea's sports industry to gauge the development process necessary to develop sports marketing professionals in the Asian and world market. The author lists six major indicators for sports industry professionalism, namely: 1. Work attitude, 2. Communication skills, 3. Management skills, 4. Innovation skills, 5. Professional knowledge, and 6. Professional skills. In particular, the "Professional skills" indicator is the most favored aspect of sports marketing related knowledge as determined by Asian' four major sports industry, and is considered an essential requirement for entering into the sports service industry. Lastly, the author investigates the lessons and methodology of nurturing international sports marketing talent from industry, government and academia perspectives, supplemented by views of CEOs from internationally renowned brand Nike and Peace Marketing. From these combined perspectives, a full picture of the nurturing process is understood, and it is clear that the nurture of international sports marketing talents is a trend. We hope the government can actively implement pertinent talent development policies and allow sports to enhance the livelihood of all citizens.國際運動行銷運動行銷人才培育國際運動行銷人才的培育Nurture of International Sports Marketing Talents