康敏平Kang, Min-Ping江承雯Chiang, Cheng-Wen2019-09-03不公開2019-09-032018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060456023O%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/94512家族企業中,家族成員在家族扮演的角色,經常性的影響其在家族企業擔任的職務。 過去主要以家族企業男性的接班、繼承為主要研究對象與研究主題,本研究以二代家族女性成員為研究對象,從華人親屬關係的角度切入,探討倫理關係對於家族與家族企業的影響,主要關注於家族在為家族企業二代布局時,依據智慧資本與代理理論,找出參與家族企業經營權的家族女性成員具有不同的資本與家族角色。 從智慧資本與代理問題的觀點,提出女性家族成員與參與家族企業的四個假,發現家族女性成員人力資本正向影響參與家族企業所有權與家族女性成員家族身分正向影響參與家族企業所有權成立,家族女性成員家族資本正向影響參與的假說部分成立,家族女性的社會資本正向影響參與家族企業經營權不成立。 利用智慧資本中的倫理關係解釋家族中女性成員參與家族企業經營權,並提供給家族企業安排家族女性成員職務時有所根據是本研究最大的研究貢獻。The role that family members play within a family consistently affect the position they hold within the family business. Current research focuses on male family members regarding business succession. This research focuses on the second, third and fourth generation female family members and the relationships between different intellectual capital from the family, the individual and business engagements. We propose four hypotheses according to intellectual capital and agency theory. The research found the following: Female family members’ human capital positively affect their involvement within the family business’ management. Family capital would partially affect involvement within the family business’ management. Social capital does not affect the involvement within the family business’ management. The most important contribution of this research is not only that we use a family perspective to analyze the female family member’s career in the family business, but also provide a family business strategy to follow if there is a desire to further engage female family members into the family business.智慧資本代理理論家族企業倫理關係華人女性intellectual capitalagency theoryChinese family businessrelationshipsfemale family members華人家族女性成員家族角色與家族企業參與之研究A Study of Chinese Female Family Members’ Involvement in Family Business