陳明溥Ming-Puu Chen陳婉寧Wan-Ning Chen2019-08-292014-02-252019-08-292011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0697080275%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/93045本研究藉由實驗教學使用強調不同目標導向的學習回饋來進行教學活動,並以個人或配對的方式分組,探討對學習Alice程式設計概念之學習成效與學習態度的影響。自變項包含目標導向回饋方式與分組方式,目標導向回饋方式依照正規目標理論將學習回饋分為精熟導向回饋、績效導向回饋兩種模式;分組方式將學生區分為個人組或配對組來進行程式的撰寫。研究設計採因子設計之準實驗研究法,研究對象為國民中學七年級學生。研究結果顯示:(1)精熟導向回饋方式有助於提升學生在程式設計概念的學習成效表現;(2)精熟導向回饋學生在學習態度之回饋接受度面向上表現優於績效導向回饋組學生;(3)配對組學生在學習態度之回饋幫助度面向上表現優於個人組學生。The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of type of goal orientation feedback and type of groupings on novices’ learning Alice programming. Two types of goal orientation feedback, mastery and performance, and two types of groupings, Pair group and individual group, were employed in this study. There were 176 junior high students participated in the 8-week programming learning activity. The analysis for learners' learning performance including operation skills, basic conception and advanced conception, whereas the analysis for learners' learning attitudes included three aspects, which were learning motivation, feedback acceptance and feedback Help degrees. The results revealed that (a) the mastery object orientation feedback was helpful to novices in programming learning performance; (b) the mastery object orientation feedback had better performance on feedback acceptance than performance object orientation feedback; (c) pair group had better performance on feedback help degrees than individual group.目標導向理論回饋配對程式設計goal orientation theoryfeedbackpair-programming目標導向回饋與配對程式設計對國中生Alice程式設計學習之影響The Effects of Goal Orientation Feedback and Pair-Programming on Novices’ Learning Alice Programming