王永慈Wang, Yeong-Tsyr吳婷雅Wu, Ting-Ya2020-12-142019-08-282020-12-142019http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060238008F%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/109889本研究主旨在理解「孤新社工(無社工督導協助之3年以下新進社工)」於實務上的主觀經驗,探究其所處組織樣態、面臨職場困境時所運用之因應方式及前述經驗對其職涯的影響,期待能針對孤新社工提出更為妥適之協助機制及建議,用以提升其專業能力、社工價值認同、降低職場壓力及職場疲匱之風險,創建正向循環的福利服務環境。此研究使用質性研究,利用深度訪談及利益取樣的方式訪問六位社工年資不滿3年的孤新社工,再依訪談逐字稿做質性資料分析。 研究發現包含:一、「孤」與「新」的特質造成孤新社工的雙重困境,孤新社工同新進社工會遭遇自我效能低、角色壓力高、內外部工作不滿意及工作壓力大等況,然其於職場內因無社工督導協助,又內部直屬主管及同事多非社工背景的狀態下,獨自面對挑戰更顯孤獨與艱難,單位內部無正式化溝通管道及權力位階之不平等,也間接影響孤新社工針對其不合理之勞動條件不敢詢問;二、孤新社工求助管道慣於透過非正式與正式支持系統、自我學習、網際網路搜尋及靈性追尋等四個方向求助;三、面對職涯選擇,壓倒孤新社工的最後一根稻草為勞動條件,薪資過低及始終看不見改善的勞動狀況讓孤新社工最終選擇離開。 最終,依據上述發現,研究者分別針對孤新社工、學校單位、社福機構及專業團體提供建議,並針對未來相關研究提供建議。From the perspective of novice social workers without regular social work supervision, this study revealed the difficulties they encountered in the workplace and the ways they coped with the problem without professional help, as well as the impact of the previous experiences on their future career decision. In the study, the qualitative research method was adopted and in-depth interviews were conducted for data collection. Through the in-depth interviews of 6 novice social workers without regular social work supervision, the research finding are as followed. (1) Loneliness and less experience cause the double plights for novice social workers. As other novice social workers, they all faced low self-efficacy, intrinsic and extrinsic job satisfaction, as well as high working pressure. However, without social work supervisors’ help, it’s harder for novice social workers to conquer the challenges by themselves. Moreover, without official communication system or social work supervisors’ mediation, it’s difficult for novice social workers to ask for their labor rights due to power inequality between the novice social workers and their direct supervisors. (2) Novice social workers tend to seek for help and resources from their formal, informal support system as well as internet, also self-learning and religious belief are both they ways they use to reach support. (3) For future career decision, low-income and tough working conditions are the main two reasons why novice social workers quit their job. Based on the research finding, this study provides some recommendations for novice social workers without regular social work supervision, social work education, social welfare organizations and professional social work organizations. This study also provides future directions of research in the area of novice social workers without social work supervision.孤新社工職場困境求助管道與因應策略Novice social workers without regular social work supervisionworking dilemmaseek help and coping strategies孤「新」社工初入職場尋求專業協助之經驗初探The experiences of seeking for professional help: the perspective from novice social workers without regular supervision