徐昊杲林騰蛟Hsu, How-GaoLin,Teng-Chiao施秀青Shih, Hsiu-Ching2019-09-042020-07-082019-09-042015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0897700079%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/98682臺灣國際化程度與哈日風潮與日俱增,依據日本交流協會調查日語學習人數至2010年為止已高達247641人,僅次於韓國及澳洲排名世界第三。面對如此龐大背景,日語教育資源仍未完備環境下,諸多問題尚待解決,包括日本語教材、教學指導法相關資訊不足,及對日本社會及文化缺乏相關情報及資訊等。因此,技職院校的日語教學策略發展,顯得格外重要,為本研究探討第二外語教學的重要契機。 本研究以技職院校選修日語的五專學生為研究對象,探討導入科技中介課程對學生學習效果的影響。研究設計採準實驗研究法,依日語教學課程是否導入智慧筆,搭配有無網路學習策略,於課程前後分別進行實驗組與控制組日語字彙與會話能力的施測,利用所測得之學習成果,探討兩個因子的主要效果,以及不同教學方法間的交互作用。研究中為近一步了解日本文化認同與學習成就之間的影響因素模式,同時發展研究工具進行問卷調查。 本研究依蒐集數據進行分析,歸納研究結果發現:1.專科生的日本文化認同越高,則學習動機越強;2.無論是「接觸日本媒體情形」或「日本文化看法與行為」與學習成就之間均未達顯著性差異;3.科技中介的智慧筆、網路對專科生的日文學習動機並無影響;4.科技中介智慧筆、網路、智慧筆結合網路,皆可提升專科生的日文學習成就;5.日文學習成就路徑模式得知「日本文化認同」經過「學習動機」對「學習成就」有顯著正向預測力。其中「學習動機」中的「期望」因素與「情感」因素,為主要提升學生日文學習成就的中介變項,而「價值」則是影響「期望」與「情感」重要的中介變項。 本研究認為,若能透過智慧筆的「易用性」,產生正面情緒反應可以激發學習潛能;在認知的「有用性」方面,透過智慧筆、網路整合日本生活相關資訊可以強化科技中介資訊系統對日語學習成就的表現。With the internationalization tendency and the increasing of Japanophile in Taiwan, the population of learning Japanese as second language has risen up to 247,641 in 2010 based on the investigation of Japanese Exchange Association, next to South Korea and Australia. Nevertheless, Taiwan′s Japanese educational resources are still insufficient and many questions await the solution, including a lack of incomplete teaching materials, corresponding teaching guides, and relevant information to the Japanese society and culture and so on. Therefore, teaching strategy of Japanese is getting more important and becomes the motivation of this study. The subjects of this study were selected from junior college students who took Japanese as the second foreign language. This research investigates technology-mediation, such as electronic intelligence teaching pen (e-pen) and internet learning and applies a quasi-experiment design. Students were divided to experimental group and control group to assess the vocabulary and conversation ability before and after the technology-mediation. According to the data, statistical methods were used to investigate the effect of these two factors based on the variance analysis (ANCOVA) and the interaction effects model of different teaching strategies. In order to further understand the effects of Japanese culture recognition and learning, corresponding research tools were developed to do the questionnaire survey on e-pen, internet learning strategy, and Japanese culture recognition degree are taken as three independent sample to carry out the analysis and the research results indicate that (1) the more culture recognition students have, the stronger learning motivation they have. (2) There is no significant variance of learning outcomes between the factors of “contact Japanese mediation” and “views and behaviors by the Japanese culture”. (3) e-pen and internet learning have no direct correlation with the motivation of Japanese learning. (4) e-pen, internet learning and combination of e-pen and internet can promote the outcomes of Japanese learning.(5) The process of Japanese learning reveals that culture recognition through learning motivation are positive to learning outcomes and predictable. Moreover, “expectation” and “affection” are major intermediary variables which can promote the learning outcomes in Japanese learning. Furthermore, “value” is also intermediary variable of "expectation" and "affection". Therefore, this study has concluded that the culture recognition of Japanese could pass through the user-friendly of e-pen to produce positive emotion and stimulate learning potentials. Usefulness, through the use of e-pen and internet, can increase the outcomes of Japanese learning by taking the advantage of technology-mediation.技職教育日語教學第二外語文化認同科技中介vocational educationJapanese language teachingsecond foreign languageculture recognitiontechnology-mediation技專院校第二外語日語教學策略實施之研究-以五專應用外語科為例A Study on the Teaching Strategy of Second Foreign Language in Junior College –taking applied foreign language department as the example