吳鄭重Peter Cheng-chong Wu黃宇禎Huang, Yu-Zhen2019-08-292017-08-272019-08-292017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060423001L%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/94127便利商店不僅是提供基本民生所需的低級中地與高度營利的新興零售業,更是能反映當代日常生活物質文化的特殊空間,本論文提出別於既有商管與社會學研究的地理觀點,以生活博物館的比喻視角看待店面陳列的商品服務。 在理論層面,本研究先以Foucault知識考掘與系譜再現的概念帶出日常生活的本質與定義,並接續調整Highmore綜合多位學者的美學、檔案與實踐批判三種取徑作為領略、分析與詮釋觀點,再改寫Fusco提出的空間民族誌方法論分出主要考察的文本類型。研究設計上,田野抽樣則選擇方便前往與具代表性的全家與7-Eleven門市,進行不同季節與時段各二十四小時的觀察記錄。 論文的研究發現即依照三種取徑與文本二大分類討論,分別討論商品與服務個別系譜下的社會文化意義,重點包含如飲料的身心調劑作用、食品的即時取用特性、菸酒既禁止又紓壓的矛盾、生活雜貨的少量備用,以及多媒體機臺不限時地的連結、櫃臺店員當面互動的彈性、店面空間自由消費的多樣可能。 綜觀全篇論文,本研究發現便利商店基於運輸與通訊科技的革新,而得以持續貼近,甚至創造當代人們需求,且所反映不同尺度的日常生活還能回饋、補充與改進既有的中地理論,提供更完整的物質文化經驗與理論想像可能。Convenience stores are not only highly profitable retail business, low-order central places for people's livelihoods, but also special spaces reflecting the contemporary material culture of everyday life. Different from business studies, management science, or sociology, this thesis proposes a geographical perspective in which the metaphor of living museum is adopted to examine goods and services offered in convenience stores. Theoretically, this study is based on Foucault's “archaeological” and “genealogical” methods to portray the essence of everyday life. By reviewing and adapting Highmore’s three questions about “aesthetics”, “archives”, as well as “practices and critiques”, the thesis constructs a way to appreciation, analysis, and interpretation, and rewrites the methodology from Fusco’s spatial ethnography to recognize the main text types to investigate. Empirically, this study uses FamilyMart and 7-Eleven stores, which are representative and accessible, as cases to do 24-hour observations across seasons and periods. Following the three questions and two text types, the thesis discusses the social and cultural meaning from “genealogies” of goods and services. The focus of the discussions includes physical and psychological conditioning of drinks, immediate accessibility of foods, contradictory use of cigarettes and alcohols, efficient spares of daily groceries, unlimited connectivity of multi-media kiosks, face-to-face flexibility of counter clerks, and free consumption of space in convenience stores. This study finds that it is the innovation of transportation and communication technology that keeps convenience stores close to and even creating the needs of contemporary people. Furthermore, the implications of multi-scale everyday lives may add on to the central place theory, and provide a much more comprehensive conception of material culture.便利商店日常生活消費物質文化中地convenience storeeveryday lifeconsumptionmaterial culturecentral place便利商店作為生活博物館的物質考掘與文化再現Convenience Stores as Living Museums of Contemporary Taiwan: Its Material Archaeology and Cultural Representation