吳正己Wu, Cheng-Chih陳湘庭Chen, Hsiang-Ting2019-08-292019-08-282019-08-292017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060408025E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92759本研究將3D列印應用於國小視覺藝術課程,以探討其對學生的學習態度、學習成就及創造力之影響。教學設計是讓學生應用3D建模軟體設計作品,並印出實體。研究採不等組準實驗研究設計法,參與者為台北某市立國小六年級三個班級,共73位國小六年級學生,進行七週的實驗教學。其中兩個班級為實驗組(共49人),使用3D建模軟體製作撲滿,最後用3D列印印製,並進行上色;另一個班級為控制組(共23人),使用傳統教學方法,由教師或自備材料。 研究結果顯示,本研究發展的3D列印教材有助於提升學生的創造力與學習成效,且學生皆抱持正向的學習態度。3D建模軟體設計具彈性的優勢,讓學生在製作過程中更能發揮創造力,也較能不受材料的限制,也使學生有更高的意願進行分享與賞析。本研究建議,教師於教學中使用3D建模軟體時,應提供學生足夠的形體變化引導活動,以協助學生熟悉軟體操作。教師自己亦應熟悉軟體操作,並注意3D機器的使用安全。In this study, we applied 3D printing in an elementary school Visual Art course to improve student’s achievement and creativityas well as attitudes toward learning. The instructional design applies a 3D modeling software to design a piggy bank, and then uses a 3D printer to print out the artifact. A quasi-experimental design was conducted to evaluate the effects of our instructional design. Participants were seventy-three 6th grade students from a local school, forty-nine students were in the experimental group using the 3D printing approach, whereas twenty-four students were in the control group using traditional approach. The results show that the 3D printing approach developed in this study helped students foster their creativity and enhance their achievement as well as their attitudes towards learning. Besides, they were more willing to share ideas with their peers. These effects might attribute to the 3D modeling software provided students with flexibility in design and also avoid the limitations caused by the teacher- or self- provided materials. In future implementation, we suggest teachers should put more efforts on instructing students using the 3D modeling software, particularly on changing physical attributes of an object. By doing so, the teacher should equip him/herself with competency on using the 3D software and hardware. Although the 3D machines are safe, the safety protocol of using the machines should be applied.創造力3D列印建模軟體視覺藝術課程Creativity3D Printing3D Modeling SoftwareVisual Art應用3D列印於國小視覺藝術課程Applying 3D Printing in Elementary School Visual Art Course