洪儷瑜古美娟2019-08-282008-7-142019-08-282008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0694090102%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91818本研究主要目的探討依據閱讀發展理論和功能課程所編製之「前閱讀期綜合性語文教學」之成效和可行性。本研究採準實驗設計的不等組前後測設計,兩所國中特教班學生13名為實驗組和另兩所學校特教班學生9名為控制組,實驗組學生接受為期15週,每週4次的實驗課程的教學,控制組學生則接受相同時間的原校功能性語文課程。成效評估包括實驗課程內容的教學成效和非實驗課程內容之類化成效,分別有識字、寫字、理解、口語表達、朗讀正確性和流暢性。 本研究主要結論歸納如下: 1.識字方面具顯著教學和類化的立即和保留效果。 2.寫字方面具顯著的教學效果、類化保留效果。 3.理解方面不具類化效果。 4.表達方面具顯著的教學效果,但不具類化效果。 5.朗讀正確率方面具顯著的類化成效,但朗讀流暢性方面不具類化成效。 6.讀寫行為和態度方面具顯著的成效。 7.本研究成效也具顯著的社會效度,且參與教學之原校教師們均肯定此實驗教學的課程之成效和可行性。 本研究提出課程修訂意見、對教學應用及未來研究的建議。The main purpose of this study was to explore the effects of comprehensive “prereading-staged Chinese literacy programs”(PCLP) for the students with disabilities of junior high school. The PCLP is designed on the basis of both reading developmental and functional approaches. This study utilized the nonequivalent pretest-posttest control group design of quasi-experimental research. Thirteen students with intellectual disabilities (ID) from the self-contained class of two junior high schools participated in the study as experimental group, and nine ID students from the self-contained class of another two junior high schools served as the control group. The experimental curriculum lasted for 15 weeks and 4 times per week, and the ID students from the control group received the original instruction in schools in the same length. The major findings of this study were concluded as follows: 1.There are significant immediate and maintenance effects and generalization in students’ word-recognition. 2.There are significant immediate and maintenance effects and generalization in students’ handwriting. 3.There are nonsignificant effect of generalization in students’ comprehension. 4.There are significant teaching effects but nonsignificant effect of generalization in students’ expressive language. 5.There are significant effects of generalization in the students’ oral-reading, but non-significant effect of generalization in the fluency of oral-reading. 6.There are significant effects in students’literacy behavior and attitude. 7.There are significant social validity and the co-teaching teachers approve the effectiveness and the practicability of the PCLP. According to the findings of the study, several recommendations to the reversion and practice of curriculum and the further study are made.特教班語文教學前閱讀期閱讀發展心智障礙self-contained special classChinese literacy programpre-reading stagereading developmentintellectual disability國中特教班前閱讀期綜合性語文教學實驗成效研究The Study of Comprehensive Chinese Literacy Program for the Prereading-Staged Students with Intellectual Disabilities of Junior High Schools