簡曜輝Iau-Hoei Chien蔡岳璟Yueh-Ching Tsai2019-09-052003-7-012019-09-052003http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0069030043%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/104796本研究主要目的在探討台北市國民中學體育教師教學反省現況、教學反省各層面之關係,並比較不同背景的台北市國民中學體育教師之教學反省,藉以瞭解台北市國民中學體育教師教學反省之情形,並依據研究之結果,提出結論與建議,以供體育教師、教育行政機構、學校行政人員、政策制訂者、以及教育學者之參考。 依據研究目的,本研究以問卷調查、文獻分析為研究方法,透過研究者改編之「國民中學體育教師教學反省問卷」來進行台北市國民中學體育教師調查工作。就樣本方面,本研究共抽取台北市136位國中體育教師,有效問卷122份,所得資料以次數分配、百分比、卡方檢定、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析以及Pearson積差相關等統計方法進行分析討論。 綜合上述研究過程,本研究提出下列結論:1.台北市國民中學體育教師教學反省現況屬中上水準。2.台北市國中體育教師之教學反省層次、類型、態度、內容彼此之間成正相關。3.不同背景包括教學年資、師資培育機構、學歷、任教年級、性別、公自費別、有無兼任行政、學校類型、班級數、班級學生數之台北市國民中學體育教師教學反省表現呈顯著相關。This research aimed at exploring into how physical education teachers (PE teachers) at junior high schools in Taipei City reflect on their teaching and what correlation there is between different factors of teaching reflection. Teaching reflections by PE teachers of different background were also compared to understand the current situation of PE teachers’ teaching reflection. According to the research results, conclusions and suggestions were proposed and can serve as future reference for PE teachers, educational administrative agencies, school administrative personnel, policy makers and education scholars. To reach the aforesaid goals, this research adopted a questionnaire survey and literature review as its major research methods. The questionnaire adopted in this researcher was adapted by the researcher and entitled “A Survey of Teaching Reflection in Junior High School Physical Education Teachers.” It took PE teachers at junior high schools in Taipei City as its research subjects. A total of 136 PE teachers were sampled to fill out the questionnaires, of which 122 copies were valid. The data acquired were analyzed and discussed with several statistical methods, including frequency distribution, percentage, Chi-square test, sample-independent t test, one-way analysis of variance and Pearson product-moment correlation. After the aforesaid analysis, this research reached three key conclusions.1.The current situation of P.E. teachers’ teaching reflection was above average.2.There were positive correlations between the level, type, attitude and content of PE teachers’ teaching reflections.3.PE teachers of different backgrounds included tenure year, normal schools, educational background, the grade they taught, gender, whether they completed their schoolwork at their own expense or government expense, whether they were assigned administrative work, school type, class size and the number of school classes presented their teaching reflection differently.台北市國民中學體育教師教學反省Taipei Cityjunior high schoolphysical education teacherteaching reflection台北市國民中學體育教師教學反省之研究A Study on Teaching Reflection of Physical Education Teachers at Junior High Schools in Taipei City