林幸台Lin, Hsin-Tai張馨云Chang, Hsin-Yun2019-08-282015-8-272019-08-282012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0695170064%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89375本研究採用行動研究設計,以新北市三重區職業重建服務中心為行動場域,探討職業重建中心的團隊合作模式,進而研擬出有效而可行的具體行動策略。研究發現在職業重建服務中心模式下,專業團隊成員能夠掌握各自的工作角色,且經過成員間互動與討論,使成員更能體認其他專業人員的工作任務,以「服務使用者為中心」服務理念下共同合作。說明如下: 一、職業重建中心專業團隊合作模式發展的歷程可分為三個階段:1.在行動中凝聚共識與信賴;2.且走且看,磨合再修正;3.持續行動,穩定中調整。 二、透過有效的角色分工來共同服務個案,即專業人員在每個服務階段發揮各自專業功能角色,透過團隊討論後,彼此合作分工方式也漸能掌握,可視個案服務階段擔任主責者或協助者。而其中,職管員最具關鍵性角色。 三、職業重建中心專業團隊合作模式發展中遇到的困難為:1.新舊文化交替的衝擊;2.專業角色執行工作內容重疊;3.合作緊密度不足。 四、推動團隊運作模式的有效策略:1. 充分的事前討論有助於後續服務銜接;2. 共同評估、重新檢視個案工作能力與需求;3. 積極主動溝通、即時掌握問題;4. 統一派案機制;5. 透過有效的定期追蹤,適時檢視個案服務;6. 團隊需互相補位;7. 確認小組會議紀錄有利於後續服務執行。 五、營造正向的團隊文化氛圍,有利於提升團隊合作模式的運作效果。可透過下列方式來提升:1.透過集體決策與積極互動,建立團隊信賴關係;2. 透過共同服務理念,凝聚團隊共識;3. 提供便於團隊互動的環境,營造支持環境。The purpose of this action research is to develop effective strategies with multidisciplinary team work collaboration in New Taipei City Center of Vocational Rehabilitation Services (Sanchong District). In more than one year period of participation, modification, and collaboration, members of the multidisciplinary team were able to play their professional roles and communicate efficiently within the team. The interaction among team members increased as they demonstrated more consideration toward others, and the concept of consumer-centered service model was emerged gradually as the action research proceeded. Conclusion drawn from the action research experiences can be highlighted as the following: 1.The process of developing a trans-disciplinary team approach service module in the vocational rehabilitation center can be demonstrated in the following three steps: (1) generating consensus and cultivating liability during action planning; (2) adjusting and adapting with each other along the way; (3) carrying out the action plan with constant revisions. 2.Professional service provides through efficient role performance, playing their own parts within their professional responsibilities. As the rehabilitation case manager (RC) plays the key role, team members meet with other professionals to clarify and understand each other’s work and provide assistance throughout the practice. 3.Difficulties encountered while developing a multidiscipline team-work service module includes: (1) generation gap and its impact between young and old generations; (2) overlapping of professional duties within the team; (3) lack of proximity in partnership. 4.Effective strategies of building up a multidiscipline team-work service module: (1) sufficient communication prior the service will enhance future service connection; (2) evaluate and revisit the client’s vocational needs and capacities with each other; (3) active communication may led to early problem detection; (4) develop effective single case assignment system; (5) regular follow-ups and service adjustment with clients; (6) coordinate tasks for each other; and (7) make sure team conference minutes are supportive to practice. 5.Facilitate a positive team-work atmosphere in order to enhance the operation outcomes: (1) create work alliance through group decision making and active interactions; (2) generate consensus through fostering identical service philosophy in the team; (3) build a ‘staff interaction friendly’ and supportive environment.專業團隊職業重建中心合作trans-disciplinaryvocational rehabilitation centercollaboration職業重建中心專業團隊合作模式建構之行動研究An action research of collaboration among trans-disciplinary team in a vocational rehabilitation center