林伯修Lin, Po-Hsiu田中一輝Tanaka Kazuki2019-09-052019-02-182019-09-052019http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060531041A%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/107361本研究目的在從日本職業籃球聯盟三位一體的經營策略分析鹿兒島Rebnise球團經營的現狀與困境。本研究採用文件分析法蒐集並分析鹿兒島Rebnise球團經營相關的文獻與媒體報導,並以半結構式訪談法訪問球團、鹿兒島縣的市政府、鹿兒島縣籃球協會、媒體、贊助廠商以及球迷,共9位。研究結果發現,鹿兒島球團周邊的組織都積極地支持球團,但球團並沒有提供這些組織相應的福利。鹿兒島政府機構都希望運動觀光能振興地域經濟、觀光產業發展以及增加觀光人口,但球團並沒有積極和其他地方的組織合作,導致觀光效益並不理想。球團貧弱的服務品質、賽日行銷、經營心態、教練的任用都無法吸引球迷以及周邊組織對球團的認同。球團沒有建構與球迷、地方政府、地方企業/組織互惠互利的合作關係,導致鹿兒島球團的經營不善。研究結論,Rebnise球團因為經營的態度消極,且未確實執行日本職業籃球聯盟期望的三位一體之經營,導致球迷無法認同球隊,經營陷入周而復始的困境中。The purpose of this study was to analyse Kagoshima Rebnise Basketball Club by the perspective of Japanese Professional Basketball Leagues’ trine relationship management strategies. This research used documentary analysis and semi-structured interview. The date was gathered from related documents, media reports, and nine interviewers--in total. As for the results, surrounding organizations were actively supporting the club; but it was apparent that the club did not offer any benefit for them. Government hopes to encourage the development of sports tourism industry: regional development, increasement of tourist population, etc. However, the club has not cooperated with other organizations; therefore, it seems that they are not ideal for the sports tourism industry. The relationship with other organizations, quality of services; along with importance of selecting the right coaches and the attitude of surrounding organizations of the club, which tie factors and reasons for lack of identities between the club and fans surrounding organizations. In conclusion, due to the negative attitude of the club for the management, and the fact that the trinity operation suggested by the league, was not implemented, the fans could not identify with the club, which then lead to the current poor management condition.日本職業籃球日本足球聯盟屬地經營職業運動三位一體Japan Professional Basketball LeagueJapan Professional Football Leaguefranchiseprofessional sportstrinity日本職業籃球聯盟鹿兒島球團球團經營分析Analysis of Kagoshima Rebnise basketball Club Management of Japan Professional Basketball League